How to disable mouse click on checkbox for each treeview item


How to disable the mouse click in a TreeView control on checkbox for each treeview item.




1. Create a function:

wf_set_checkbox_state (long al_tvihandle, long al_state) {
     treeviewitem ltvi
     tv_1.GetItem ( al_tvihandle, ltvi)
     ltvi.statepictureindex = al_state
     tv_1.SetItem ( al_tvihandle, ltvi )


2. In the Clicked Event of the treeview add this code:

long  ll_state
 treeviewitem ltvi
 tv_1.GetItem ( handle, ltvi)
 ll_state = ltvi.statepictureindex
 post wf_set_checkbox_state (handle, ll_state)

3. Create a user event mapped to pbm_keydown and put in it this code:

if keyflags = 0 and key = KeySpacebar! then return 1