Customer extracted some PDFs (stored in a blob on a table pdfs) to a folder. The file names of the PDFs are the image sequence numbers of his pdfs entries. After modifying these PDFs he wishes to update his blob fields in the pdfs table.
Operating System: Any supported Windows version
PowerBuilder: Any supported version
The following steps will provide you with the desired functionality:
Place an invisible ListBox (lb_pdfs)on your window (w_pfds).
Add the following PowerScript to a command button or function that will provide the desired functionality:
integer li_fnum, li_rtn blob pdfblob String ls_pdfdir = "<your PDF root directory>" String ls_pdfNames[], ls_pdfkeys[] //Get a list of PDF files and associated keys w_pdfs.lb_pdfs.DirList("*.PDF", 16400, ls_pdfdir) li_pdffiles = w_pdfs.lb_pdfs.TotalItems() FOR li_pdffile = 1 TO li_pdffiles ls_pdfname[li_pdffile] = w_pdfs.lb_pdfs.Item[li_pdffile] ls_pdfkey[li_pdffile] = Left(ls_pdfname[li_pdffile], Len(ls_pdfkey[li_pdffile]) - 4) NEXT // Update PDF database entries FOR li_pdffile = 1 TO li_pdffiles // Open PDF file li_fnum = FileOpen(ls_pdfdir + "/" + ls_pdfname[li_pdffile], StreamMode!) // Read PDF file FileReadEx(li_fnum, pdfblob) // Update PDF entry in database UPDATEBLOB pdfs SET pdfdata = :pdfblob WHERE pdfkey = ls_pdfkey[li_pdffile] USING SQLCA; IF SQLCA.SQLNRows> 0 THEN COMMIT USING SQLCA ; END IF NEXT
The pdf entries in the pdfs table are now updated with the current PDF contents.