PowerBuilder and Informix ODBC connection


When setting up the Informix ODBC datasource in the ODBC DataSource Administrator, the following error returned:

Microsoft ODBC Administrator 
The setup routines for the IBM INFORMIX ODBC DRIVER could not be found.  Please reinstall the driver.


  • PowerBuilder

  • Microsoft ODBC

  • Informix


PowerBuilder is a 32-bit application and requires 32-bit database software. Compatibility issue between 32-bit and 64-bit.


PowerBuilder is a 32-bit application and requires the 32-bit Informix ODBC driver. When creating the ODBC DataSource, create a System DataSource and use the 32-bit version of the ODBC DataSource Administrator. You can access it from PowerBuilder - > Database Profiles -> ODBC -> ODBC Administrator or the 32-bit version of the Odbcad32.exe file is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64 folder.