When to use DisplayMenuAsRibbonBar

DisplayMenuAsRibbonBar property is a toggle that switches the display from the traditional menu style to the ribbon bar style at runtime.

This property is for PowerBuilder applications with large and complex menus, especially those with intricate control logic and multiple levels of menu items. For new applications or those with simple menu objects, it is recommended to directly implement the functions and UI layouts using the standalone RibbonBar controls (as described in the previous section: Working with RibbonBar) to simplify code logic and improve design clarity.

For clients who have older and complex applications, it is very costly to add RibbonBar controls directly to the window and re-implement the menu functions and layouts in the RibbonBar; they can choose the DisplayMenuAsRibbonBar property to switch existing menu layouts to RibbonBar control layouts automatically, and maintain the same menu code execution logic with minimal changes. We provide a demo application to show you how to convert and display the MDI menu as a RibbonBar.