New GetXMLDeclaration method

In version 2021 or earlier, you can get the XML declaration through the PBDOM_DOCUMENT GetContent method. The GetContent method gets a pbdom_object array, and the PBDOM_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION object included in the array contains the XML declaration. For example:

doc.getcontent(lpd_object[])   //Gets all nodes of the xml file
For i = 1 To UpperBound(lpd_object) //Gets the PBDOM_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION object
ls_objtype = lpd_object[i].getobjectclassstring()
if ls_objtype =pbdom_processinginstruction then
ls_key = lpd_object[i].getname()
ls_value = lpd_object[i].gettext()
end if

In version 2022, you can get the XML declaration through the new GetXMLDeclaration method.

String version, encoding, standalone
doc.getxmldeclaration (version, encoding, standalone)