Step 1 -- Make backup copies of the target and libraries.
Step 2 -- Use the Migration Assistant in the new PowerBuilder to check for obsolete syntax or the use of reserved words in your code.
Step 3 -- Optimize all PBLs in the PowerBuilder IDE 7 or earlier.
Step 4 -- Create a workspace in the new PowerBuilder.
Step 5 -- Add the target and libraries to the workspace.
If your application built in PowerBuilder 7 or earlier contains a target, you can add the target to your workspace. To add a target to the workspace, right-click the workspace and then select Add Target. After you select the target, the Migrate Application dialog box opens, allowing you to migrate the application to the new PowerBuilder.
If your application built in PowerBuilder 7 or earlier contains no target, you can create a new target in your workspace and then add the existing libraries to the target. To create a new target in your workspace, right-click the workspace and then select New > Target > Application, and then select the existing libraries. After that, the Migrate Application dialog box opens, allowing you to migrate the application to the new PowerBuilder. For information about using workspaces and targets, see Chapter 1 in the User's Guide.