Removing Java support and JDK 1.6 (IM)

Starting from version 2022, Java support and JDK 1.6 have been removed from the product.

Objects/settings removed

Due to this change, the following features/settings are no longer available:

  • Calling the Java class in PowerBuilder is no longer supported.

    • The EJBConnection, EJBTransaction, and JavaVM objects are no longer supported.

    • The CreateJavaVM function is no longer supported.

      PowerScripts referencing to the above objects or functions will throw an error such as "C0239: Object 'xxxx' is now removed" during compilation. In 2022 GA version, you should be able to use the migration assistant to detect and remove the deprecated features, components, etc.

  • The Java tab for configuring the Java settings is removed from the IDE > System Options dialog.

  • EJB Client Proxy Wizard and EJB Client Proxy are no longer accessible from the New > Project tab (which means it is no longer possible to build an EJB client in PowerBuilder).

  • The XSLFOP! PDF method is removed from PowerScript (which means it is no longer possible to use the XSLFOP! method to export a DataWindow object to a PDF file).

    • The Export.PDF.XSLFOP.Print property is removed from the DataWindow object.

    • The XSLFOP! (1) enumerated value is removed from the Export.PDF.Method property.

    • The XSLFOP! option is removed from the Method list in the DataWindow properties > Data Export tab.

  • The JDBC database interface is removed from the Database painter (which means it is no longer possible to access databases through JDBC connections in PowerBuilder).

    • The following DBParms are no longer supported: Driver, MapDateToDateTime, Properties, TraceFile, and URL.

    • As the migration path of the JDBC driver, you can consider using the native driver, ODBC driver, or ADO.NET driver.

Files/folders/software removed

Due to this change, the following files/folders/software have been removed from the product:

  • The following files have been removed from the product: pbjvm.pdb, pbjvm.ilk, pbjvm.dll, pbjdbc12.jar, pbjdb.pdb, pbjdb.ilk, pbjdb.dll, pbejbclient.pdb, pbejbclient.pbx, pbejbclient.pbl, pbejbclient.pbd, pbejbclient.jar, pbejbclient.ilk, and dwaction.jar.

  • Oracle JDK 1.6 and Apache FOP 0.20.5 are no longer installed with PowerBuilder IDE. Previously they were installed to the IDE directory, for example, %AppeonInstallPath%\PowerBuilder [version]\IDE\jdk1.6.0_24 and %AppeonInstallPath%\PowerBuilder [version]\IDE\fop-0.20.5.
