Starting from version 2022, Java support and JDK 1.6 have been removed from the product.
Objects/settings removed
Due to this change, the following features/settings are no longer available:
Calling the Java class in PowerBuilder is no longer supported.
The EJBConnection, EJBTransaction, and JavaVM objects are no longer supported.
The CreateJavaVM function is no longer supported.
PowerScripts referencing to the above objects or functions will throw an error such as "C0239: Object 'xxxx' is now removed" during compilation. In 2022 GA version, you should be able to use the migration assistant to detect and remove the deprecated features, components, etc.
The Java tab for configuring the Java settings is removed from the IDE > System Options dialog.
EJB Client Proxy Wizard and EJB Client Proxy are no longer accessible from the New > Project tab (which means it is no longer possible to build an EJB client in PowerBuilder).
The XSLFOP! PDF method is removed from PowerScript (which means it is no longer possible to use the XSLFOP! method to export a DataWindow object to a PDF file).
The Export.PDF.XSLFOP.Print property is removed from the DataWindow object.
The XSLFOP! (1) enumerated value is removed from the Export.PDF.Method property.
The XSLFOP! option is removed from the Method list in the DataWindow properties > Data Export tab.
The JDBC database interface is removed from the Database painter (which means it is no longer possible to access databases through JDBC connections in PowerBuilder).
The following DBParms are no longer supported: Driver, MapDateToDateTime, Properties, TraceFile, and URL.
As the migration path of the JDBC driver, you can consider using the native driver, ODBC driver, or ADO.NET driver.
Files/folders/software removed
Due to this change, the following files/folders/software have been removed from the product:
The following files have been removed from the product: pbjvm.pdb, pbjvm.ilk, pbjvm.dll, pbjdbc12.jar, pbjdb.pdb, pbjdb.ilk, pbjdb.dll, pbejbclient.pdb, pbejbclient.pbx, pbejbclient.pbl, pbejbclient.pbd, pbejbclient.jar, pbejbclient.ilk, and dwaction.jar.
Oracle JDK 1.6 and Apache FOP 0.20.5 are no longer installed with PowerBuilder IDE. Previously they were installed to the IDE directory, for example, %AppeonInstallPath%\PowerBuilder [version]\IDE\jdk1.6.0_24 and %AppeonInstallPath%\PowerBuilder [version]\IDE\fop-0.20.5.