Upgrading PowerServer projects

Due to changes made to the PowerServer project settings and the PowerServer Web APIs, the PowerServer C# solution created in version 2022 will have to be upgraded first before it can work with version 2022 R2. You will have to

  • Generate a brand new PowerServer C# solution (in Version 2022 R2)

    This new solution will be generated with the latest changes/templates. However, if you have made your own changes to the solution before, you will need to manually incorporate those changes to the new solution.

PowerBuilder installable cloud apps deployed in Version 2022 will have to be re-deployed in Version 2022 R2 by following steps below:

  1. Select Tools > System Options in the PowerBuilder IDE; make sure the correct runtime version is selected on the General tab.

    If you are not sure which version is correct, refer to Selecting a version of PowerBuilder Runtime.

  2. Refer to this article for the migration path if your project used the "Use built-in OAuth server" option in Version 2022.

    The "Use built-in OAuth server" option has been removed from Version 2022 R2 and later. If the project is set to the "Use built-in OAuth server" option in Version 2022, it will be changed to "Use external auth service" after upgraded to Version 2022 R2 or later.

  3. Make sure the namespace matches with the app name if you have changed the namespace option in Version 2022.

    The namespace option is removed from the project painter from Version 2022 R2 or later. The app name is used as the namespace by default and the namespace is not allowed to change any more.

  4. Make sure the deployment mode is Full.

    To do that, open the PowerServer project painter in the PowerBuilder IDE, select the Build page, select Full in Project build options.

  5. Deploy the application again using the Build & Deploy Project option in the PowerBuilder IDE.

    Or, export the JSON build file again and then re-deploy the application using PBAutoBuild. If you deploy with PBAutoBuild, please copy the launcher and modify the build file, so that PBAutoBuild can upload the launcher to the server. For detailed instructions, refer to Build & deploy using commands.