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Appeon Documentation Center
Upgrading PowerBuilder Applications
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 2019 R3 or earlier
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 2019 R3 or earlier
Table of Contents
Upgrading PowerClient projects
Upgrading from any PowerBuilder version (including beta)
Migration Assistant
Upgrading PBLs and performing a full build (IM)
Upgrading database profiles (IM)
Runtime DLLs (IM)
Upgrading PowerBuilder Extension applications
GetFileOpenName Initdir parameter behavior
Windows 10/11:
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 2022 R3 or earlier
PBC is integrated into PBAutoBuild
.NET 8 upgrade
Cloud App Launcher is upgraded
PowerClient FTP transfer is removed
.NET Core 3.1 is unsupported
PowerServer UnitTest is removed
mdirbb_1 and mditbb_1 objects
Runtime file change
Upgrading PowerServer projects
Re-deploying the PowerServer project
Upgrading PowerClient projects
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 2022 R2 or earlier
PB.INI changes
Tab changes
Runtime file changes
Theme folder changes
commandline argument saving changes
Upgrading PowerServer projects
Theme folder changes
commandline argument saving changes
timeout settings and MaxSPCache are configurable in project painter
EnablePooling and DynamicConnection value changes
Re-deploying the PowerServer project
Upgrading PowerClient projects
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 2022 or earlier
Removing the obsolete Inet object
.NET 6 upgrade
Sharing ADO.NET database connections
Upgrading PowerServer projects
Upgrading PowerClient projects
PDF Builder object change
WebBrowser engine changes
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 2021 or earlier
Runtime differences (IM)
Runtime compatible versions
Runtime file changes
Handling of exceptional data
Window size differences
Increased height of window titles
Increased window size
Rich text editor changes (IM)
Cookie JS file changes
PB.INI changes
Return value changes in 64-bit applications
64-bit debugging and running
PBDOM changes
Runtime file changes
Upgrade PBDom.pbx or PBDom220.pbd
New GetXMLDeclaration method
New SetXMLDeclaration method
GetContent method changes
SaveDocument method changes
HasChildren method changes
GetAttributes method changes
Handling of null values
Performance optimization
Removing Java support and JDK 1.6 (IM)
Removing EasySoap and SOAP clients
Removing OData (IM)
Removing .NET Assembly target
Upgrading PowerServer projects
Upgrading PowerClient projects
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 2019 R3 or earlier
Upgrading PowerClient projects
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 2019 R2 or earlier
Class name and location changes
Upgrading PowerBuilder projects
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 2017 or earlier
RichTextEdit control and RichText DataWindow changes
Upgrading Web service proxy
Migration path containing double-byte characters
Connecting to database before upgrade
Registry functions
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 12.6 or earlier
Oracle JDK replaces SAP JVM (IM)
Appeon branding
"PowerBuilder Classic" renamed (IM)
.NET assembly/Web service not available in Standard Edition
RichTextEdit control and RichText DataWindow changes (IM)
PB .NET IDE and WPF Projects Removed
EAServer Projects/Targets Removed
Windows Form Removed
Web DataWindow Removed
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 12.5.2 or earlier
SAP JVM replaces JDK
SAP branding
New SoapConnection functions
Upgrading .NET Targets from Earlier Versions of PowerBuilder
Upgrading EAServer Targets
Accessing EAServer Components from .NET Targets
ImportFile size limit
OData Support
Database Profile
Database Painter
Create a DataWindow Using an OData Service
Set the Connection Information for the OData Service
64-bit Windows Applications
New Property for Environment Object
New Datatype
System Requirements
Unsupported Features
Behavior Differences
PowerBuilder Native Interface (PBNI)
New option for OrcaScript command
pbm_custom[xx] argument changed from uLong to LongPTR
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 12.5 or earlier
Web Forms Target Removed
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 12.1 or earlier
RTF and Images in the DataWindow Object
User-Drawn Controls in DataWindow Objects
Window Control transparent Value and transparency property
Support for New ASE 15.5 Data types (IM)
Sharing Datasources with .NET
AutoWidth Property (IM)
Support for Tab Sequence, Enabled, and Show Focus Rectangle Properties
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 12.0 or earlier
ASE 15.5 Support (IM)
Sql Anywhere 12.0 support (IM)
HasMinHeight Property
FontHeight Function
Find Function
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 11.5.1 or earlier
Deprecated functionality
PowerBuilder Classic and PowerBuilder .NET
Platform support (IM)
New properties, functions and database parameters
Enhancements to the Runtime Packager
Enhancements for the ADO.NET Interface
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 11.5 or earlier
Deployment support for the Windows 2000 platform (IM)
JDK 1.6 Support (IM)
FIPS 140-2 certification (IM)
Support for Microsoft Office 2007 Excel formats (IM)
Support for SQL Anywhere 11.0 mirroring (IM)
Informix 11.5 Support (IM)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 support (IM)
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 11.2 or earlier
Directory changes for FDCC compliance (IM)
FDCC constraints on certain PowerBuilder features (IM)
Files shared by all users (IM)
Files reserved for individual users (IM)
Deprecated Features
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 11.1 or earlier
AJAX update functionality for Web Forms applications
Telerik RadControls replace IE Web Controls in Web Forms applications
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 11.0 or earlier
Upgrading to Microsoft Vista (IM)
Running PowerBuilder (IM)
Signed DLLs required for deployment (IM)
IIS 6 compatibility component requirement for Web Forms on IIS 7 (Vista)
Permission requirements for Web Forms applications on IIS 7 (Vista)
Some calendar properties are not supported on Vista (IM)
JSP targets are not supported on Vista
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 10.5 or earlier
Upgrading EAServer targets
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 10 or earlier
Toolbar changes in PowerBuilder 10.5
Icon changes in PowerBuilder 10.5 (IM)
Upgrading components to EAServer 6.0.1 or later
Creating an EJB client application for EAServer 6.x
PowerBuilder system types as variable names in proxies
OLE DB performance with Microsoft SQL Server
Change in behavior of OpenTab
RichTextEdit control and RichText DataWindow changes (IM)
Some PSR files must be regenerated (IM)
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 9 or earlier
Unicode changes (IM)
Automatic changes made when you upgrade
ImportFile size limit
Upgrading Web and JSP targets
JSP object model changes
DBCS text in object properties is not converted correctly (IM)
XML string encoding
Runtime errors in EAServer
Using masks with "as is" characters
Format of WMF files saved from DataWindows changed
MTS/COM+ components must be redeployed
Change in Date function behavior
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 8 or earlier
Changed format of PSR files (IM)
Source code control changes
ScrollToRow behavior change
Web ActiveX deployment requirements (IM)
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 7 or earlier
Adding targets to a workspace
Distributed PowerBuilder is not supported
Reserved words
SystemError event change
IsValid function change
Format for color options changed (IM)
Web DataWindow migration issues
DataWindow method return values for empty DataObject property
ScrollNextRow and ScrollPriorRow behavior change
Changed behavior of OpenSheet functions
Upgrading from PowerBuilder 6.5 or earlier
Nested reports in DataWindow objects renamed (IM)
Icons for windows must be assigned
ListView and TreeView controls events changed
Search Highlighter (On/Off)