When trying to locate problematic objects in an application, the key is to find which PBL contains the problematic object(s), and then check the objects in the PBL.
Step 1: In PowerServer Toolkit application profile settings, specify the PBL that contains the Application object in the application PBL list, and then perform Application Source Code Export.
Note: Only one PBL is specified in the PBL list in this step.
If Source Code Export produces a fatal error, it means that the PBL specified contains problematic object(s). Go to Step 3 for checking the objects in the PBL.
If the Source Code Export is successful, go to Step 2.
Step 2: In the PowerServer Toolkit application profile settings, add one PBL to the PBL list, and perform Application Source Code Export.
If the Source Code Export produces a fatal error, it means that the PBL that was newly added contains problematic object(s). Go to Step 3 for checking the objects in the PBL.
If the Source Code Export is successful, repeat Step 2 until the PBL that contains problematic object(s) is found.
Step 3: (Supposing the PBL that contains problematic object(s) is PBL A) In the PowerBuilder application, back up PBL A. The backup PBL is PBL B.
Step 4: Remove all the objects from PBL A.
Step 5: Add one of the objects in PBL B to PBL A. Perform the Application Source Code Export.
If the Source Code Export produces a fatal error, it means that the object that was newly added is problematic.
If the Source Code Export is successful, repeat Step 5 till the problematic object is found.