The "Error launching LoadConfig" message is displayed when the user changes the settings in PowerServer Toolkit Configuration or performs Task 2 of the Deploy Wizard.
Cause: There is one of two possibilities that can occur.
1. The EonADT[xx].exe cannot be loaded. This can happen when the developer machine does not meet the minimum hardware requirements specified in Installation Guide for PowerServer (PB Edition).
2. The EonADT[xx].exe is loaded but fails to read the .DAT files.
Solution A: Follow the steps below to fix the problem.
Step 1: End the EonADT[xx].exe process in the Windows Task Manager
Step 2: Delete the application profile in PowerServer Toolkit Configuration
Step 3: Recreate the application profile and run PowerServer Application Deployment/PowerServer Toolkit Configuration.
Solution B: If the problem persists, follow these steps to rectify it.
Step 1: Delete the application profile in PowerServer Toolkit Configuration.
Step 2: Delete the application folder in the PowerServer Toolkit install directory: \Appeon\PowerServer\Toolkit\Project\ApplicationName.
Step 3: Recreate the application profile and run PowerServer Application Deployment/PowerServer Toolkit Configuration.