The Report painter provides views related to the report you are working on. Interacting with these views is how you work in the Report painter.
The following picture shows a report in the Report painter with the default layout.

The Design view at the top left shows a representation of the report and its controls. You use this view to design the layout and appearance of the report. Changes you make are immediately shown in the Preview view and the Properties view.
The Preview view in the middle on the left shows the report with data as it will appear at runtime. If the Print Preview toggle (File>Print Preview) is selected, you see the report as it would appear when printed with an optional blue outline that shows where the page margins are located.
Export/Import Template view for XML
The Export/Import Template view for XML at the bottom left shows a default template for exporting and importing data in XML format. You can define custom templates for import and export. The templates are saved with the report. For more information, see Exporting and Importing XML Data
Export Template view for XHTML
The Export/Import Template view for XHTML is designed for use with the Web DataWindow feature in PowerBuilder. This view, and the Web Generation and JavaScript Generation tab pages in the Properties view, are not used in InfoMaker.
The Properties view at the top right displays the properties for the currently selected control(s) in the report, for the currently selected band in the report, or for the report itself. You can view and change the values of properties in this view.
The Control List in the stacked pane at the bottom right view lists all controls in the report. Selecting controls in this view selects them in the Design view and the Properties view. You can also sort controls by Control Name, Type, or Tag.
The Data view in the stacked pane at the bottom right displays the data that can be used to populate a report and allows manipulation of that data.
The Column Specifications view in the stacked pane at the bottom right shows a list of the columns in the data source. For the columns, you can add, modify, and delete initial values, validation expressions, and validation messages. You can also specify that you want a column to be included in a prompt for retrieval criteria during data retrieval. To add a column to the report, you can drag and drop the column from the Column Specifications view to the Design view. For external or stored procedure data sources, you can add, delete, and edit columns (column name, type, and length).
For most presentation styles, the Report painter Design view is divided into areas called bands. Each band corresponds to a section of the displayed report.
reports with these presentation styles are divided into four bands: header, detail, summary, and footer. Each band is identified by a bar containing the name of the band above the bar and an Arrow pointing to the band.
These bands can contain any information you want, including text, drawing controls, graphs, and computed fields containing aggregate totals.
The following picture shows the Design view for a tabular report.

Band |
Used to display |
Header |
Information at the top of every screen or page, such as the name of the report or current date |
Detail |
Data from the database or other data source |
Summary |
Summary information that displays after all the data, such as totals and counts |
Footer |
Information displayed at the bottom of every page or screen, such as page number and page count |
The header band contains heading information that is displayed at the top of every screen or page. The presentation style determines the contents of the header band:
If the presentation style is Tabular, Grid, or N-Up, the headings defined for the columns in the Database painter display in the header band and the columns display on a single line across the detail band
If the presentation style is Freeform, the header band is empty and labels display in the detail band next to each column
You can specify additional heading information (such as a date) in the header band and you can include pictures, graphic controls, and color to enhance the appearance of the band.
Displaying the current date
To include the current date in the header, you place a computed field that uses the Today InfoMaker expression function in the header band. For information, see Adding computed fields to a report.
The detail band displays the retrieved data. The number of rows of data that display in the report at one time is determined by the following expression:
(Height of the report - Height of headers and footers) / Height of the detail band
The presentation style determines the contents of the detail band:
If the presentation style is Tabular, Grid, N-Up, or Label, the detail band displays column names, representing the columns
If the presentation style is Freeform, the labels defined for the columns in the Database painter display in the detail band with boxes for the data to the right
How InfoMaker names the columns in the Design view
If the report uses one table, the names of the columns in the Design view are the same as the names in the table.
If the report uses more than one table, the names of the columns in the Design view are tablename_columnname. InfoMaker prefaces the name of the column with the table name to prevent ambiguity, since different tables can have columns with the same name.
When you design the detail band of a report, you can specify display information for each column of the report and add other controls, such as text, pictures, graphs, and drawing controls.
You use the summary and footer bands of the report the same way you use summary pages and page footers in a printed report:
The contents of the summary band display at the end, after all the detail rows; this band often summarizes information in the report
The contents of the footer band display at the bottom of each screen or page of the report; this band often displays the page number and name of the report
The Report painter contains three customizable PainterBars and a StyleBar.
For more information about using toolbars, see Using toolbars.
The PainterBars include buttons for standard operations (such as Save, Print, and Undo on PainterBar1), for common formatting operations (such as Currency, Percent, and Tab Order on PainterBar2), and for database operations (such as Retrieve and Insert Row on PainterBar3).
They also include six drop-down toolbars, which are indicated by a small black triangle on the right part of a button. The following table lists the drop-down toolbars that are available. The Controls toolbar is on PainterBar1. The other drop-down toolbars are on PainterBar2.
Toolbar |
Used to |
Background Color |
Specify the background color of one or more selected controls. |
Borders |
Specify borders for one or more selected controls. |
Controls |
Specify controls to add to a report. |
Foreground Color |
Specify the foreground color of one or more selected controls. In a text control, the foreground color specifies the color of the text. |
Layout |
Specify the alignment, sizing, and spacing of selected controls. |
Slide |
Specify sliding for controls. |
The StyleBar includes buttons for applying properties (such as bold) to selected text elements.
Each part of the report (such as text, columns, computed fields, bands, graphs, even the report itself) has a set of properties appropriate to the part. The properties display in the Properties view.
You can use the Properties view to modify the parts of the report.
To use the Properties view to modify the parts of the report:
Position the mouse over the part you want to modify.
Display the part's pop-up menu and select Properties.
If it is not already displayed, the Properties view displays. The view displays the properties of the currently selected control(s), the band, or the report itself. The contents of the Properties view change as different controls are selected (made current).
For example, the Properties view for a column has tabbed property pages of information that you access by clicking the appropriate tab. If you want to choose an edit style for the column, you click the Edit tab. This brings the Edit page to the front of the Properties view.
The Report painter provides several ways to select controls to act on. You can select multiple controls and act on all the selected controls as a unit. For example, you can move all of them or change the fonts used to display text for all of them.
Lasso selection
Use lasso selection when possible because it is fast and easy. Lasso selection is another name for the method described below for selecting neighboring multiple controls.
To select one control in a report in the Design view:
Click it.
The control displays with handles on it. Previously selected controls are no longer selected.
To select neighboring multiple controls in a report in the Design view (lasso selection):
Press and hold the left mouse button at one corner of the neighboring controls.
Drag the mouse over the controls you want to select.
A bounding box (the lasso) displays.
Release the mouse button.
All the controls in the bounding box are selected.
To select non-neighboring multiple controls in a report in the Design view:
Click the first control.
Press and hold the Ctrl key and click additional controls.
All the controls you click are selected.
To select controls by type in the report:
Do one of the following:
Select Edit>Select>Select All to select all controls
Select Edit>Select>Select Text to select all text
Select Edit>Select>Select Columns to select all columns
To select controls by position in the report:
Do one of the following:
Select Edit>Select>Select Above to select all controls above the currently selected control
Select Edit>Select>Select Below to select all controls below it
Select Edit>Select>Select Left to select all controls to the left of it
Select Edit>Select>Select Right to select all controls to the right of it
To select controls in a report in the Control List view:
Select View>Control List from the menu bar.
Click a control in the list.
Press and hold the Ctrl key and click additional controls if desired.
Displaying information about the selected control
The name, x and y coordinates, width, and height of the selected control are displayed in the MicroHelp bar. If multiple controls are selected, Group Selected displays in the Name area and the coordinates and size do not display.
You can change the size of any band in the report.
You can zoom the display in and out in four views in the Report painter: the Design view, Preview view, Data view, and Column Specifications view. For example, if you are working with a large report, you can zoom out the Design view so you can see all of it on your screen, or you can zoom in on a group of controls to better see their details.
To zoom the display in the Report painter:
Select the view you want to zoom (click in the view).
You can zoom the Design view, Preview view, Data view, and Column Specifications view.
Select Design>Zoom from the menu bar.
Select a built-in zoom percentage, or set a custom zoom percentage by typing an integer in the Custom box.