After you create a pipeline definition, you can modify it in a variety of ways. The changes you make depend on what pipeline operation you select, the destination DBMS, and what you are trying to accomplish by executing the pipeline.
The following table lists properties you can modify that apply to the destination table. These properties display at the top of the Data Pipeline painter workspace.
Item |
Description |
Default |
How to edit |
Table |
Name of the destination table. |
If source and destination are different, name of first table specified in the source data or name of the stored procedure. If the same, _copy is appended. |
For Create or Replace, enter a name. For Refresh, Append, or Update, select a name from the drop-down list. |
Options |
Pipeline operation: Create, Replace, Refresh, Append, or Update. |
Create - Add Table. |
Select an option from the drop-down list. See Table: Effect of pipeline operations on the destination database. |
Commit |
Number of rows piped to the destination database before InfoMaker commits the rows to the database. |
100 rows. |
Select a number, All, or None from the drop-down list. |
Key |
Key name for the table in the destination database. |
If the source is only one table, the table name is followed by _x. |
(Create or Replace only) Enter a name. |
Max Errors |
Number of errors allowed before the pipeline stops. |
100 errors. |
Select a number or No Limit from the drop-down list. |
Extended Attributes |
(Create and Replace only) Specifies whether or not the extended attributes of the selected source columns are piped to the extended attribute system tables of the destination database. |
Not checked. |
Click the check box. |
The following table lists properties that you can modify that apply to the destination table's columns and keys. These properties display under the properties that apply to the table itself and most can be modified only for the Create and Replace pipeline operations.
Column names and datatypes that cannot be modified
You cannot modify the source column names and datatypes that display at the left of the workspace.
Item |
Description |
Default |
How to edit |
Destination Name |
Column name |
Source column name. |
Enter a name. |
Type |
Column datatype |
If the DBMS is unchanged, source column datatype. If the DBMS is different, a best-guess datatype. |
Select a type from the drop-down list. |
Key |
Whether the column is a key column (check means yes) |
Source table's key columns (if the source is only one table and all key columns were selected). |
Select or clear check boxes. |
Width |
Column width |
Source column width. |
Enter a number. |
Dec |
Decimal places for the column |
Source column decimal places. |
Enter a number. |
Nulls |
Whether NULL is allowed for the column (check means yes) |
Source column value. |
Select or clear check boxes. |
Initial Value |
Column initial value |
Source column initial value. (If no initial value, character columns default to spaces and numeric columns default to 0.) |
Select an initial value from the drop-down list. |
Default Value |
Column default value |
None. Default values stored in the source database are not piped to the destination database. |
Select a default value from the drop-down list or enter a default value. Keyword values depend on destination DBMS. |
When InfoMaker pipes data, what happens in the destination database depends on which pipeline operation you choose in the Options drop-down list at the top of the workspace.
Pipeline operation |
Effect on destination database |
Create - Add Table |
A new table is created and rows selected from the source tables are inserted. If a table with the specified name already exists in the destination database, a message displays and you must select another option or change the table name. |
Replace - Drop/Add Table |
An existing table with the specified table name is dropped, a new table is created, and rows selected from the source tables are inserted. If no table exists with the specified name, a table is created. |
Refresh - Delete/Insert Rows |
All rows of data in an existing table are deleted, and rows selected from the source tables are inserted. |
Append - Insert Rows |
All rows of data in an existing table are preserved, and new rows selected from the source tables are inserted. |
Update - Update/Insert Rows |
Rows in an existing table that match the key criteria values in the rows selected from the source tables are updated, and rows that do not match the key criteria values are inserted. |
The modifications you can make in the workspace depend on the pipeline operation you have chosen.
When using Create or Replace
When you select the Create - Add Table option (the default) or the Replace - Drop/Add Table option, you can:
Change the destination table definition.
Follow the rules of the destination DBMS.
Specify or clear a key name and/or key columns.
Specify key columns by selecting one or more check boxes to define a unique identifier for rows. Neither a key name nor key columns are required.
Allow or disallow NULLs for a column.
If NULL is allowed, no initial value is allowed. If NULL is not allowed, an initial value is required. The words spaces (a string filled with spaces) and today (today's date) are initial value keywords.
Modify the Commit and Max Errors values.
Specify an initial value and a default value.
If you have specified key columns and a key name and if the destination DBMS supports primary keys, the Data Pipeline painter creates a primary key for the destination table. If the destination DBMS does not support primary keys, a unique index is created.
For Oracle databases
InfoMaker generates a unique index for Oracle databases.
If you try to use the Create option, but a table with the specified name already exists in the destination database, InfoMaker tells you, and you must select another option or change the table name.
When you use the Replace option, InfoMaker warns you that you are deleting a table, and you can choose another option if needed.
When using Refresh and Append
For the Refresh - Delete/Insert Rows or Append - Insert Rows options, the destination table must already exist. You can:
Select an existing table from the Table drop-down list.
Modify the Commit and Max Errors values.
Change the initial value for a column.
When using Update
For the Update - Update/Insert Rows option, the destination table must already exist. You can:
Select an existing table from the Table drop-down list.
Modify the Commit and Max Errors values.
Change the Key columns in the destination table's primary key or unique index, depending on what the DBMS supports. Key columns must be selected; the key determines the UPDATE statement's WHERE clause.
Change the initial value for a column.
Bind variables and the Update option
If the destination database supports bind variables, the Update option takes advantage of them to optimize pipeline execution.
Execution of a pipeline can stop for any of these reasons:
You click the Cancel button
During the execution of a pipeline, the Execute button in the PainterBar changes to a Cancel button.
The error limit is reached
The Query Governor's row or elapsed-time limit is reached
If there are rows that cannot be piped to the destination table for some reason, those error rows display once execution stops. You can correct error rows or return to the workspace to change the pipeline definition and then execute it again. For information, see Correcting pipeline errors.
When rows are piped to the destination table, they are first inserted and then either committed or rolled back. Whether rows are committed depends on:
What the Commit and Max Errors values are
When errors occur during execution
Whether you click the Cancel button or InfoMaker stops execution
When you stop execution
When you click Cancel or a Query Governor limit is reached, if the Commit value is a number, every row that was piped is committed. If the Commit value is All or None, every row that was piped is rolled back.
For example, if you click the Cancel button when the 24th row is piped and the Commit value is 20, then:
20 rows are piped and committed.
3 rows are piped and committed.
Piping stops.
If the Commit value is All or None, 23 rows are rolled back.
When InfoMaker stops execution
InfoMaker stops execution if the error limit is reached. The following table shows how the Commit and Max Errors values affect the number of rows that are piped and committed.
Commit value |
Max Errors value |
Result |
A number n |
No limit or a number m |
Rows are piped and committed n rows at a time until the Max Errors value is reached. |
All or None |
No limit |
Every row that pipes without error is committed. |
All or None |
A number n |
If the number of errors is less than n, all rows are committed. If the number of errors is equal to n, every row that was piped is rolled back. No changes are made. |
For example, if an error occurs when the 24th row is piped and the Commit value is 10 and the Max Errors value is 1, then:
10 rows are piped and committed.
10 rows are piped and committed.
3 rows are piped and committed.
Piping stops.
If the Commit value is All or None, 23 rows are rolled back.
About transactions
A transaction is a logical unit of work done by a DBMS, within which either all the work in the unit must be completed or none of the work in the unit must be completed. If the destination DBMS does not support transactions or is not in the scope of a transaction, each row that is inserted or updated is committed.
About the All and None commit values
In the Data Pipeline painter, the Commit values All and None have the same meaning.
Blob data is data that is a binary large-object such as a Microsoft Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. A data pipeline can pipe columns containing blob data.
The name of the datatype that supports blob data varies by DBMS. The following table shows some examples.
Datatypes that support blob data |
SAP SQL Anywhere |
LONG BINARY, LONG VARCHAR (if more than 32 KB) |
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise |
Microsoft SQL Server |
Oracle |
Informix |
For information about the datatype that supports blob data in your DBMS, see your DBMS documentation.
Adding blob columns to a pipeline definition
When you select data to pipe, you cannot select a blob column as part of the data source because blobs cannot be handled in a SELECT statement. After the pipeline definition is created, you add blob columns, one at a time, to the definition.
To add a blob column to a pipeline definition:
Select Design>Database Blob from the menu bar.
If the Database Blob menu item is disabled
The Database Blob menu item is disabled if the pipeline definition does not contain a unique key for at least one source table, or if the pipeline operation is Refresh, Append, or Update and the destination table has no blob columns.
The Database Binary/Text Large Object dialog box displays. The Table box has a drop-down list of tables in the pipeline source that have a primary key and contain blob columns.
In the Table box, select the table that contains the blob column you want to add to the pipeline definition.
For example, in the PB Demo DB, the ole table contains a blob column named Object with the large binary datatype.
In the Large Binary/Text Column box, select a column that has a blob datatype.
In the Destination Column box, change the name of the destination column for the blob if you want to.
If you want to add the column and see changes you make without closing the dialog box, click Apply after each change.
When you have specified the blob source and destination as needed, click OK.
To edit the source or destination name of the blob column in the pipeline definition:
Display the blob column's pop-up menu and select Properties.
To delete a blob column from the pipeline definition:
Display the blob column's pop-up menu and select Clear.
Executing a pipeline with blob columns
After you have completed the pipeline definition by adding one or more blob columns, you can execute the pipeline. When you do, rows are piped a block at a time, depending on the Commit value. For a given block, Row 1 is inserted, then Row 1 is updated with Blob 1, then Row 1 is updated with Blob 2, and so on. Then Row 2 is inserted, and so on until the block is complete.
If a row is not successfully piped, the blob is not piped. Blob errors display, but the blob itself does not display. When you correct a row and execute the pipeline, the pipeline pipes the blob.
Changing the destination
When you create a pipeline, you can change the destination database. If you want to pipe the same data to more than one destination, you can change the destination database again and re-execute.
To change the destination database:
Click the Destination button in the PainterBar, or select File>Destination Connect from the menu bar.
Changing the source
Normally you would not change the source database, because your pipeline definition is dependent on it, but if you need to (perhaps because you are no longer connected to that source), you can.
Source changes when active profile changes
When you open a pipeline in the Data Pipeline painter, the source database becomes the active connection. If you change the active connection in the Database painter when the Data Pipeline painter is open, the source database in the Data Pipeline painter changes to the new active connection automatically.
Working with database profiles
At any time in the Data Pipeline painter, you can edit an existing database profile or create a new one.