Failed to create a new data source in Sybase Management Console, typically prompted with the following error message "An error occurred while creating the new data source. Exception"
Cause: The JDBC driver configuration that you performed before the data source creation cannot automatically take effect if the EAServer is running as service.
Solution A: Use the foreground EAServer which runs in the console window.
Step 1: Stop the EAServer service from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Step 2: Start the EAServer from the Start button or using command line.
Step 3: Configure the data source again.
Solution B: Reinstall the EAServer service to make the JDBC configuration take effect.
Step 1: Stop the EAServer service
Step 2: Uninstall the EAServer service. Change to the EAServer bin subdirectory, and run service [-servicename service] -remove command, substituting the service name for service. For example,
C:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer\bin service -servicename EAServer -remove
Step 3: Install the EAServer service. Stay in the bin folder and run the following command line,and run service [-servicename service] -install command. For example,
C:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer\bin service -servicename EAServer -install
Solution C: Manually configure the JDBC driver in the classpath parameter in winservice.ini file. Take configuring oracle JDBC driver as an example.
1. Go to Administrative Tools > Services.
2. Find your EAServer service and open the Properties window. You can find the service ini file path from Path to executable. For example,
""D:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer6\bin\jsl.exe" -ini "D:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer6\bin\../config/winservice_EAServer.ini""
3. Open the INI file directory and add the path of the "ojdbc14.jar" file to the corresponding line. For example,
param15 = c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\lib\eas-server-14.jar;c:\eas\eas61014 \bin\..\lib;c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\ant\lib\ant.jar; c:\eas\eas61014\Shared\jdk1.4.2_10\lib\tools.jar; c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\lib\fips\jdk14\sslplus_nio.jar; c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\lib\fips\jdk14\sslplus.jar; c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\lib\fips\jdk14\EccpressoFIPSJca.jar; c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\lib\fips\jdk14\EccpressoFIPS.jar; d:\jaguar\PowerBuilder\pbjdbc12105.jar;c:\eas\eas61014 \PowerBuilder\pbjdbc12100.jar; c:\eas\eas61014\PowerBuilder\pbejbclient100.jar;c:\eas\eas61014 \bin\..\genfiles\java\classes; c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\lib\ext\jconn3.jar;c:\eas\eas61014 \bin\..\lib\ext\jTDS3.jar; c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\lib\ext\pbejbclient100.jar; c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\lib\ext\pbejbclient105.jar;c:\eas\eas61014 \bin\..\lib\ext\pbjdbc12100.jar; c:\eas\eas61014\bin\..\lib\ext\pbjdbc12105.jar;c:\eas\eas61014 \bin\..\lib\ext\ojdbc14.jar