IIS configuration

The IIS configuration may affect Appeon Server. Verify the IIS settings according to the IIS version that Appeon Server is installed.

IIS 7.0 or 7.5

If Appeon Server is running on IIS 7.0 or 7.5, verify the .NET Trust Levels is set to Full (internal) for AEM, Appeon, and Servlet views respectively in IIS Manager. Following is an example of how to verify the .NET Trust Levels for AEM view, you can follow the similar steps to verify for Appeon view and Servlet view.

Step 1: Open IIS Manager, click Web Sites > DefaultWebSite > AEM, and double click .NET Trust Levels.

Figure 2. .NET Trust Levels

.NET Trust Levels

Step 2: Verify that Full (internal) is selected.

Figure 3. Full (internal)

Full (internal)

IIS 6.0

If Appeon Server is running on IIS 6.0, verify the following IIS settings after the Appeon Server installation:

Step 1: Verify that the running mode of IIS is Worker Process Isolation Mode.

  • Open IIS Manager, right click Web Sites and select Properties.

  • In the Web Sites Properties window, select the Service tab, and make sure the "Run WWW service in IIS 5.0 isolation mode" option is not selected.

    Figure 4. Service


Step 2: In Web Service Extensions, verify that ASP.NET v4.0.30319 is set to Allowed.

Figure 5. Web Service Extensions

Web Service Extensions

Step 3: Verify that the ASP.NET version of the AEM, Servlet, and Appeon virtual directories is 4.0.

The Appeon virtual directory is automatically configured during the Appeon Server installation.

Follow instructions below to check the ASP.NET version of the Servlet virtual directory. The steps to check the AEM virtual directory are similar.

  • Right click Servlet under the Web site and select Properties.

  • In the servlet Properties window, select the ASP.NET tab and check the ASP.NET version setting.

    Figure 6. ASP.NET


Step 4: Verify the application pool settings of AppeonAppPool for Appeon Server. By default, AppeonAppPool is automatically configured during the Appeon Server installation. It is not recommended to change the default settings.

During the runtime of an application, information such as user sessions and database transaction will be stored in the memory. If Appeon Server is restarted, the information will be lost, which results in the failure of the application. Besides that, in order to guarantee the completeness of the information, Appeon Server cannot be run in multiple processes. Follow steps below to configure the application pool for Appeon Server:

  • Right click AppeonAppPool and select Properties.

  • In the AppeonAppPool Properties window, make sure the following settings are not selected in the Recycling tab.

    Figure 7. Recycling


  • Select the Performance tab. Verify that the Idle timeout setting is not selected, and the Web garden value is set to 1.

    Figure 8. Performance


  • Select the Health tab. Verify that the Enable pinging and Enable rapid-fail protection settings are not selected.

    Figure 9. Health


Step 5: Verify the Web site properties.

  • Right click the Web site where Appeon Server is installed, and select Properties.

  • In the Web site properties window, select the Home Directory tab. Verify that the Execute permissions is set to "Scripts only" or "None" (not "Scripts and Executables").

    Figure 10. Home directory

    Home directory