Working with Standard Database Interfaces

This part describes how to set up and define database connections accessed through one of the standard database interfaces.

Table of Contents

Using the ODBC Interface
About the ODBC interface
What is ODBC?
Using ODBC in PowerBuilder
Components of an ODBC connection
Types of ODBC drivers
Ensuring the proper ODBC driver conformance levels
Obtaining ODBC drivers
Using ODBC drivers with PowerBuilder
Getting help with ODBC drivers
Preparing ODBC data sources
Defining ODBC data sources
How PowerBuilder accesses the data source
Defining multiple data sources for the same data
Displaying Help for ODBC drivers
Selecting an ODBC translator
Defining the ODBC interface
SAP SQL Anywhere
Supported versions for SQL Anywhere
Basic software components for SQL Anywhere
Preparing to use the SQL Anywhere data source
Defining the SQL Anywhere data source
Support for Transact-SQL special timestamp columns
What to do next
Limited support for stored procedure
Support for auto-increment column
Using the JDBC Interface
About the JDBC interface
What is JDBC?
Using the JDBC interface
Components of a JDBC connection
JDBC registry entries
Supported versions for JDBC
Supported JDBC datatypes
Preparing to use the JDBC interface
Defining the JDBC interface
Using the OLE DB Interface
About the OLE DB interface
What is OLE DB?
Components of an OLE DB connection
Obtaining OLE DB data providers
Supported versions for OLE DB
Preparing to use the OLE DB interface
Defining the OLE DB interface
Using the ADO.NET Interface
About the PowerBuilder ADO.NET database interface
Components of an ADO.NET connection
OLE DB data providers
Preparing to use the ADO.NET interface
Defining the ADO.NET interface
Getting identity column values
Sharing ADO.NET Database Connections
Importing an ADO.NET Connection from a Third-Party .NET Assembly
Exporting an ADO.NET Connection to a Third-Party .NET Assembly
Using the OData Interface (Deprecated)
Database Profile Setup - OData Dialog Box
Connection Tab
Certificate Tab
Proxy Server Tab
Preview Tab
Database Painter
Create a DataWindow Using an OData Service
Set the Connection Information for the OData Service
A known issue with OData