Creating a Web service proxy object
To create a new Web service proxy, select the Web Service Proxy Wizard icon from the Projects page in the New dialog box. The Web Service Proxy Wizard helps you create the proxy so you can use the Web service in PowerScript. If you select the EasySoap Web service engine, one proxy is created for each port.
In the wizard you specify:
Which Web service engine you want to use
Which WSDL file you want to access
Which service within the WSDL file you want to select
Which port or ports you want to use (EasySoap engine only)
What prefix you want to append to a port name (EasySoap) and include in the proxy name (EasySoap and .NET engines)
Which PowerBuilder library you want to deploy the proxy to
When PowerBuilder encounters a problem while parsing the WSDL file it will report the error
You can also select the Web Service Proxy icon from the Projects page in the New dialog box. The Web Service Proxy icon opens the Project painter for Web services so that you can create a project, specify options, and build the proxy library. The new project lists the Web service (and, for the EasySoap engine, the ports for which proxies will be generated) and specifies the name of the output library that will contain the generated proxy objects.
Whether you create the Web service project through the wizard or in the painter, the final step is to build the proxy objects by clicking the Build icon on the painter bar or selecting Design>Deploy project from the menu bar.
The WSDL file for you specify in the wizard or painter must have:
Services/Binding entries
The Targetnamespace attribute defined in its Schema element
No circular references (an example of a "circular reference" is a structure that includes itself as a child class member)
If PowerBuilder encounters a problem parsing the WSDL file, it reports the error in an error message box.
Generated proxies
The generated proxies display in the System Tree. You can expand the proxy nodes to display the signatures of the methods.

Aliases for XML methods
PowerBuilder is not case sensitive, whereas XML, SOAP, C#, and .NET are. To ensure that PowerScript code can call XML methods correctly, each method in the proxy uses an alias. The string that follows alias for contains the name and the signature of the corresponding XML or SOAP method in case-sensitive mode.
For example:
function real getquote(string ticker) alias for getQuote(xsd:string symbol)# return xsd:float StockPrice@urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes@SoapAction
PowerBuilder system types cannot be used as variable names in proxies
In PowerBuilder 10.5 and later versions, system types cannot be used as variable names in Web service proxies. If a PowerBuilder system type is used as a variable name, the Web Service Proxy wizard renames the variable by applying the prefix ws_. If you are migrating Web service applications from PowerBuilder 10.2 or earlier and regenerating the Web service proxies in PowerBuilder 10.5 or later, your code may need to be modified to reflect the change in variable names.
PowerBuilder system types include not only the objects and controls listed on the System tab page in the PowerBuilder Browser, but also the enumerated types listed on the Enumerated page in the Browser, such as band, button, encoding, location, and weekday. For example, if you build a Web service from a PowerBuilder custom class user object, and one of its functions has a string argument named location, in the proxy generated for that Web service, the argument is changed to string ws_location.
Web services across time zones
When an application consumes a Web service that uses the date, time, or datetime datatypes, it is possible that the service implementation processes and returns different data for application users who access the service from different time zones. This is typically the result of design considerations of the Web service and not the result of precision differences or translation errors between the Web service and the application that calls it.
Datatype mappings for EasySoap Web service engine
The Web service proxy generator maps datatypes between XML and PowerBuilder if you use the EasySoap Web engine, and between XML, C#, .NET, and PowerBuilder if you use the .NET Web service engine. All XML data types are based on schemas from the World Wide Web Consortium at
The following table shows the datatype mappings between XML and PowerScript. If you use the .NET Web service engine, datatypes are converted to C#, then to .NET datatypes. (the following table and the following table show datatype mappings used with the .NET Web service engine.)
XML Type |
PowerScript Type |
boolean |
boolean |
byte (-128 to 127) or short |
int |
unsignedByte (0 to 255) or unsignedShort |
uint |
int |
long |
unsignedInt |
ulong |
long (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807), unsignedLong (0 to 9223372036854775807), integer (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807), nonNegativeInteger (0 to 9223372036854775807), negativeInteger (-1 to -9223372036854775808), nonPositiveInteger (0 to -9223372036854775808), or positiveInteger (1 to 9223372036854775807) |
longlong |
decimal (-999999999999999999 to 999999999999999999) |
decimal |
float |
real |
double |
double |
gYear, gYearMonth, gMonthDay, gDay, anyURI, QName, NOTATION, string, normalizedSting, token, or datatypes derived from token About normalizedString, token, and derived datatypes A normalized string does not contain carriage return, line feed, or tab characters. A token is similar to similar to a normalizedString, but does not contain leading or trailing spaces or an internal sequence of two or more spaces. Datatypes that derive from token include language, Name, NCName, NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY, ENTITIES. |
string |
date |
date |
time |
time |
dateTime |
datetime |
base64, base64Binary, or hexBinary |
blob |
Datatype mappings for .NET Web service engine
When you use the .NET Web Service engine, PowerBuilder converts the XML from WSDL files to C# code and compiles it in a .NET assembly.
Web services that use unmapped Microsoft .NET specific datatypes, such as DataSet or System.Xml.XmlElement, are not supported.
The following table displays datatype mappings for these conversions.
XML type |
C# type |
.NET type |
int |
int |
System.Int32 |
unsignedInt |
uint |
System.UInt32 |
boolean |
bool |
System.Boolean |
unsignedByte |
Byte |
System.Byte |
short |
short |
System.Int16 |
unsignedShort |
ushort |
System.UInt16 |
long |
long |
System.Int64 |
unsignedLong |
ulong |
System.UInt64 |
Decimal |
Decimal |
System.Decimal |
Float |
Float |
System.Float |
Double |
Double |
System.Double |
Datetime, Date, and Time |
System.DateTime |
System.DateTime |
hexBinary and hex64Binary |
Byte [ ] |
System.Byte [ ] |
nonNegativeInteger, negativeInteger, nonPositiveInteger, positiveInteger, gYear, gMonth, gMonthDay, gDay, duration, anyURI, QName, NOTATION, normalizedString, token, language, NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS, Name, NCName,ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY, ENTITIES, and String |
String |
System.String |
AnyType |
Object |
System.Object |
The following table displays the datatype mapping between C# datatypes and PowerBuilder.
C# type |
PowerScript type |
byte |
byte |
sbyte |
int |
short |
int |
int |
long |
long |
longlong |
ushort |
uint |
uint |
ulong |
ulong |
longlong |
float |
real |
double |
double |
object |
any |
char |
uint |
string |
string |
decimal |
decimal |
bool |
boolean |
System.DateTime |
datetime |
Arrays of arrays
Unlike XML, PowerBuilder can support only unbounded one-dimensional arrays. If an array in a WSDL file is bounded and one-dimensional, PowerBuilder automatically converts it to an unbounded array. If an array in a WSDL file is multidimensional, the return type is invalid and cannot be used.
In function prototypes, PowerBuilder displays an array type as a PowerBuilder any type. You must declare an array of the appropriate type to hold the return value.