Although the PowerBuilder IDE is 32-bit, it is now possible to run or debug 64-bit applications directly in the IDE.
PowerBuilder IDE uses a 64-bit debugging service process (PB220DebugService_x64.exe) for running or debugging a 64-bit application:
Follow the instructions in the Migration Steps of the document Migrating 32-bit Applications to 64-bit to make necessary database connection changes and code changes in the application, so that the application is ready to run as 64-bit.
Set the bit-ness option to 64-bit in the toolbar (PowerBar1). The option will apply no matter whether you run or debug the application in the IDE.
Select the project/workspace/target to debug. The debugging functions are the same as those for debugging a 32-bit application.
To debug a traditional C/S application project, select the Debug (or Select and Debug) item in the toolbar, or the Debug item in the workspace or target right-mouse menu.
To debug a PowerClient project, select the Debug item in the PowerClient project toolbar.
To debug a PowerServer project, after you fulfill the unique requirements, select the Debug item in the PowerServer project toolbar. Note that in the installable cloud app deployed from a PowerServer project, the client app is run according to the debug option in the PowerBuilder IDE, while the PowerServer Web APIs are compiled with the bit-ness configured in the C# IDE (that is, the SnapDevelop IDE).
Select the project/workspace/target to run.
To run a traditional C/S application project, select the Run (or Select and Run) item in the toolbar, or the Run item in the workspace or target right-mouse menu.
To Run a PowerClient project, select the Run PowerClient Project item in the PowerClient project toolbar.
To run a PowerServer project, after you fulfill the unique requirements, select the Run PowerServer Project item in the PowerServer project toolbar. Note that in the installable cloud app deployed from a PowerServer project, the client app is run according to the bit-ness option in the PowerBuilder IDE, while the PowerServer Web APIs are compiled with the bit-ness configured in the C# IDE (that is, the SnapDevelop IDE).