More navigation capabilities

The PowerBuilder IDE has been enhanced with more object navigation capabilities:

  • Locate object from the Browser window

    In the tree view of the Browser window, you can right-click the object and then select Locate in PBL from the popup menu to quickly locate the object in the PBL in the system tree.

  • Locate the object from the tab header

    You can right-click the tab header, and then select Locate in PBL from the popup menu to jump to the object entry in the system tree.

  • Open menu painter from window's properties page

    In the General tab of the window's Properties page, you can right-click the menu name in the MenuName field and then select Modify Menu from the popup menu to open the menu object in the menu painter.

  • Jump to an object in the PBL from the Script editor or Edit Source window by using Ctrl + clicking the object name (you can also jump like before via the "Jump" right-click popup menu).