The PBNative and SCC API are not supported with the new solution format. Users who wish to continue using PBNative must stick with the workspace format. Although transition to Git/SVN and the solution format is encouraged, users who prefer to use PBLs with PBNative can still do so.
If the workspace is under version control, you cannot directly convert the workspace to solution (the "Convert Workspace to Solution" menu is grayed out). You can make a copy of the entire workspace, remove version control from this copy, convert this copy to solution, and then add it (as a branch) to the version control. Notice that the change logs will not be carried over to the new branch unless you manually adjust the repo content.
When adding a solution to the version control, the following files and folders need to be uploaded:
Source code files such as .sr* in the PBL folder, .bin (for OLE object), .ini, images, theme, etc.
Solution and project configuration files and files related to the structure of the solution and project such as .pbsln, .pbproj, .pblmeta, etc.
The following folders/files will be ignored automatically:
".pb" folder
"build" folder
"ws_objects" folder
"_BackupFiles" folder
"_UpgradeFiles" folder
.pra file (storing the additional properties of the application)
The following folders and menus are not needed in the solution (they are required only in the workspace):
"ws_objects" folder
"Upload PBL" and "Refresh" right-click menus
The following files cannot be reverted in PowerBuilder IDE:
.bin (for OLE object) (you can revert the file using a third-party tool such as TortoiseSVN or TortoiseGit)