The Built-in Rich Edit Control (TE Edit Control) is removed from version 2022. You can replace it with TX Text Control in Application Techniques.
The Built-in TX Text Control ActiveX 28.0 has been upgraded to Built-in TX Text Control ActiveX 30.0 for both 32-bit and 64-bit.
The Built-in TX Text Control ActiveX 15.0 and TX Text Control ActiveX 24.0 Professional/Enterprise have been removed.
Previously the rich text editor works with the third-party software Podofo for PDF merge functionalities; now it changes to work with PDFlib.
The RichTextEdit control has the following enhancements:
Supports saving the contents in a RichTextEdit control as PDF using PDF/A standard.
Supports setting the userPassword, the masterPassword and restrictions and saving the contents as PDF
Supports inserting files in Microsoft Excel format (.xlsx) into the RichTextEdit control
Able to insert text files in different encoding formats such as "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE" or "UTF-16BE" correctly without illegal codes (the BOM header or the encoding needs to be specified)
Supports pasting the content of the clipboard in a specified format (by using the PasteSpecial function or clicking the right mouse buttion > Paste Special button )
Supports opening hyperlinks in the text and creating, modifying, and deleting hyperlinks
Supports restoring the edit that was previously undone
The following new functions have been added to the RichTextEdit control:
Redo -- Restores the edit that was previously undone in a RichTextEdit control.
CanRedo -- Tests whether Redo can restore the edit that was previously undone in a RichTextEdit control.
PasteSpecial -- Pastes the content of the clipboard in a specified format into the current position in a RichTextEdit control.
TextFieldInsert -- Inserts a text field into the current position in a RichTextEdit control.
TextFieldSetText -- Sets the text of the text field in a RichTextEdit control.
TextFieldSetTypeAndData -- Sets the type and type data of the text field in a RichTextEdit control.
TextFieldGetType -- Gets the type of the specified text field in a RichTextEdit control.
TextFieldGetText -- Gets the text of the specified text field in a RichTextEdit control.
TextFieldGetTypeData -- Gets the type data of the specified text field in a RichTextEdit control.
TargetInsert -- Inserts a target into the current position in a RichTextEdit control.
TargetDelete-- Deletes the target according to the specified ID in a RichTextEdit control.
TargetSetName -- Sets the name of the specified target in a RichTextEdit control.
TargetGetName -- Gets the name of the specified target in a RichTextEdit control.
TargetNext -- Gets the next target ID of the specified target.
TargetGoto -- Moves the cursor to a specified target in a RichTextEdit control.
SaveDocumentAsPDF -- Saves the contents in a RichTextEdit control as a PDF document.
The following function has been modified:
InsertDocument -- A new argument encoding and a new file type FileTypeXLSX! have been added to the InsertDocument function. You can specify the encoding of the inserted document. If the encoding argument is not specified, the encoding in the BOM header will be used. If there is no BOM header in the file, ANSI will be used as the default encoding format.
The .xlsx file type is also added to the Select a file name dialog box, so you can choose to insert files in the format of Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) by clicking the right mouse button > Insert File button.
When inserting a .txt file through the Select a file name dialog box, the encoding (UTF8, UTF16LE, or UTF16BE) in the BOM header will be used. If there is no BOM header in the file, ANSI will be used by default.