ADO.NET driver upgrade

Due to the upgrade and refactoring of the ADO.NET database driver, the underlying drivers of the database have changed.

Currently, the underlying database driver only supports connections via Oracle, SQL Server, and ODBC (for ODBC, IDE supports only ASE and SQL Anywhere). For more information, refer to Using the ADO.NET Interface in Connecting to Your Database.

The Database Profile Setup, Database Trace, and PowerBuilder Runtime Packager windows have been adjusted according to the changes:

  • Some database parameters are no longer supported, such as ADORelease, DataLink, DbConfigSection, Namespace etc. (the options in the Database Profile Setup window have been adjusted accordingly).

  • The database trace file will no longer include the names of DBI commands (therefore the Show DBI Names option is removed from the Database Trace window).

  • Different runtime files will be packaged by the PowerBuilder Runtime Packager according to the selected database connection.

  • Sybase.PowerBuilder.DataSource.Sharing.dll (for sharing ADO.NET database connections) is upgraded and renamed as Appeon.DB.Sharing.dll.