The new PDF Builder allows you to easily manipulate PDF documents in the application through the following features:
Supports importing data from a DataWindow object, a DataWindowChild object or a DataStore object to a PDF document and merging PDF documents. See example 1.
Supports importing an existing PDF document and data from a DataWindow object, a DataWindowChild object or a DataStore object to a new PDF document and merging PDF documents. See example 2.
Supports setting the properties and security permissions for a PDF document. See example 3.
To support the above features, the following new objects/properties/functions have been added:
PDFObject and PDFModel -- The ancestor objects of the other PDF objects.
PDFDocument -- The PDFDocument object allows to import data from a DataWindow object, a DataWindowChild object or a DataStore object, or an existing PDF document to a new PDF document and save the document.
The properties that have been added to the PDFDocument object are as follows:
Properties -- Gets or sets the properties of the PDF document.
Security -- Gets or sets the security property of the PDF document.
The functions that have been added to the PDFDocument object are as follows:
ImportDataWindow -- Imports data from a DataWindow object, a DataWindowChild object or a DataStore object to a PDF document.
ImportPDF -- Imports an existing PDF document to a new PDF document.
Save -- Saves the contents of a PDF document.
PDFDocumentProperties -- The PDFDocumentProperties object allows to get or set properties of the PDF document.
The properties that have been added to the PDFDocumentProperties object are as follows:
Application -- Gets or sets the creator of the PDF document.
Author -- Gets or sets the author of the PDF document.
Keywords -- Gets or sets the keywords of the PDF document.
Subject -- Gets or sets the subject of the PDF document.
Title -- Gets or sets the title of the PDF document.
PDFSecurity -- The PDFSecurity object allows to get or set the security permissions of the PDF document.
The properties that have been added to the PDFSecurity object are as follows:
MasterPassword -- Gets or sets the master password of the PDF document.
UserPassword -- Gets or sets the user password of the PDF document.
AllowAnnotations -- Whether creating or changing annotations or form fields is allowed.
AllowAssemble -- Whether inserting, deleting or rotating pages and creating bookmarks and thumbnails are allowed.
AllowCopy -- Whether copying text or graphics is allowed.
AllowForms -- Whether filling the form field is allowed.
AllowHighResolutionPrint -- Whether high-resolution printing is allowed.
AllowModify -- Whether modifying the file is allowed.
AllowPlainMetadata -- Whether keeping document metadata unencrypted even for encrypted documents is allowed.
AllowPrint -- Whether printing the file is allowed.
The following scripts import pages from two DataWindow objects dw_1 and dw_2, and save the contents to a PDF document called datawindow.pdf:
PDFDocument lpdf_doc long ll_return,ll_return1 lpdf_doc = Create PDFDocument ll_return = lpdf_doc.importdatawindow( dw_1) ll_return = lpdf_doc.importdatawindow( dw_2) ll_return1 = "D:\datawindow.pdf") destroy lpdf_doc
The following scripts import pages from DataWindow object dw_1 and PDF document standard_none.pdf, and save the contents to a new PDF document called importpdf.pdf:
PDFDocument lpdf_doc long ll_return,ll_return1 lpdf_doc = Create PDFDocument ll_return = lpdf_doc.importdatawindow( dw_1) ll_return = lpdf_doc.importpdf( "D:\standard_none.pdf") ll_return1 = "D:\importpdf.pdf") destroy lpdf_doc
The following scripts set properties and security permissions for a PDF document:
PDFDocument lpdf_doc long ll_return,ll_return1 lpdf_doc = Create PDFDocument = "Test Title" = "Test Author" = "Test Subject" = "Test keywords" = "Test Application" = false = false = false = true = true = false = True = true dw_1.Modify ("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! ") dw_1.modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.PDFStandard =1") ll_return = lpdf_doc.importdatawindow( dw_1) //refers to compatible PDF/A input levels for various PDF/A output levels ll_return = lpdf_doc.importpdf( "D:\standard_1a.pdf") ll_return1 = "D:\save_1A.pdf",PDFA_1A!) destroy lpdf_doc