After the required folders and files are generated, you can start copying the installation program files of Appeon Server, EAServer and Appeon applications to the corresponding folder.
To copy the EAServer installation program to Appeon Silent Installer:
Copy all files and folders from the directory where setup.exe file resides to the "EAServer" folder of Appeon Silent Installer.
To copy the Appeon Server installation program to Appeon Silent Installer:
Copy all files from the "ASP" folder on the Appeon installation CD to the "AS" folder of Appeon Silent Installer.
To copy the Appeon Server EBF installation program to Appeon Silent Installer:
Copy all files from the "asebf" folder on the Appeon installation CD to the "AS EBF" folder of Appeon Silent Installer.
To copy Web application packages to Appeon Silent Installer:
Step 1: Verify that the Web application packages have already been generated using the Appeon application packaging tool. If no package is generated, follow steps in the section called “Packaging a server deployment project” in the Packaging a deployment project chapter.
Step 2: Copy the generated packages to the "WebApp" folder of Appeon Silent Installer.