PowerBuilder 2025 Build 3559 includes the following fixed bugs:
New Compiler
(Bug ID 12956) The paste button inserts the text after the selected text instead of replacing the selected text while editing the script.
(Bug ID 12840) The Copy/Move/Paste functionalities of object are missing in the Solution mode in PowerBuilder 2025.
(Bug ID 13038) When the RibbonBar is enabled, the text on the last Ribbon Tab is repeated on the Menu text line.
(Bug ID 13041) The ToolBarVisible property of the MDI Child window can't be turned on/off dynamically at runtime.
(Bug ID 12767/13109) Support automatic hiding of the empty Panel in the RibbonView.
(Bug ID 12914) When putting the focus in with field in the Replace dialog that opens after pressing Ctrl + H in the Script painter, pressing Ctrl + A doesn't select all the text in the with field.
(Bug ID 12914) Press Ctrl + F and then Ctrl + H in the Script painter, then click on any word and press Ctrl + H again, the text in the Replace field is neither all selected nor getting the focus.
(Bug ID 12914) After exiting and re-opening IDE after a successful Find operation, when leaving the focus on an empty line and pressing Ctrl + H, the text in the Find field is not all selected. (Only happens when the IDE is newly opened.)
(Bug ID 13048) The checkbox GUI behaviour is inconsistent in Windows 11 because the UI rendering is controlled by Windows when the Scale property is true and otherwise controlled by PowerBuilder.
(Bug ID 13029) Variable substitution in embedded SQL incorrectly places a space between unicode-prefix N and quotation mark.
(Bug ID 13056) The background color of the DataWindow Detail band cannot be modified with the expression in UI Theme.
(Bug ID 12923) When PowerBuilder IDE is opened via command /P L with a Solution project and Library Painter automatically opened, right-clicking on any object on the Library Painter make the IDE crash.
(Bug ID 13001) Specify the return values of the execution of PBAutoBuild250.exe and PBC250.exe. Return 0 on success and non-0 on failure.
(Bug ID 13094) When compiling a Solution project to EXE, if the PBL contains pbr(DataWindow), it reports: [Error] The resource file '.pbl(d_test)' should be a file rather than a folder.