

The following new features or enhancements are added to PowerBuilder 2019 R3 MR 2797:

  • The PowerBuilder WebBrowser control has upgraded the underlying web platform from Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) to Microsoft Edge WebView2.

    Due to this upgrade, the following functions and events are supported for the WebBrowser control:

    • NavigateToString function -- Navigates to and loads a page from the specified HTML source code.

    • PostJsonWebMessage and PostStringWebMessage functions -- Sends web messages in JSON or simple string asynchronously.

    • OpenDefaultDownloadDialog and CloseDefaultDownloadDialog functions -- Opens and closes the default download dialog.

    • AcceleratorKeyPressed event -- Supports responding to the keyboard actions (such as F5).

    • Other new events including ContentLoading, DOMContentLoaded, DownloadingOperationStateChanged, EstimatedEndTimeChanged, HistoryChanged, IsDefaultDownloadDialogStateChanged, LoseFocus, NavigationCompleted, WebMessageReceived

    The global functions WebBrowserSet and WebBrowserGet have been adjusted accordingly to work with WebView2.

    The following events have been added with new arguments: AddressChange, DownloadingStateChanged, DownloadingStart, EvaluateJavascriptFinished, NavigationStart, PdfPrintFinished.

    The developer will also need to understand and configure the distribution option of the WebView2 Runtime.

    For latest documentation, please refer to Working with WebBrowser and WebBrowser control.


This MR will not update PowerServer. You can use the existing version of PowerServer that was installed with PowerBuilder 2019 R3.


This MR will not update SnapDevelop. You can use the existing version of SnapDevelop that was installed with PowerBuilder 2019 R3.