Selecting DB Type(s)

Select the database type used by the application. In this tutorial, the database type is SAP ASA | UltraLite. Select the Used column of SAP ASA | UltraLite.

Figure 38. DB Type

DB Type

If SAP ASA | UltraLite is not configured (The Configured column is "No"), you should select it and click the Edit button to create a profile for it. The Database Type Profile Configuration window will be displayed.

Figure 39. Database Type Profile Configuration window

Database Type Profile Configuration window

Step 1: Select the Outer Join Syntax that PowerBuilder will format from the drop-down list for Database in the Database Type Profile Configuration window.

Step 2: Specify the following settings for ODBC interface in the Database Type Profile Configuration window.

Table 19. Database type profile settings

In this field

You should

ODBC Interface

Choose the ODBC Interface radio button.

Data Source

Choose appeontutor from the dropdown list.

If appeontutor is not available, please choose the Appeon demo database (appeonsampleforserver or appeonsample2forserver), or any other SAP SQL Anywhere data source.

User ID

Leave this field blank.


Leave this field blank.

Step 3: Click Test to verify that the connection is successful.

Figure 40. Test successful

Test successful

Step 4: Click OK.