You will need to configure the silent setup package according to the specific cloud platform.
In the setup folder, open AppConfig.xml and modify relevant contents according to the actual needs. AppConfig.xml is the configuration file of the silent setup package. It is mainly used to configure the installation of Appeon Server and the Appeon application.
Configuration for Appeon Server installation:
(For .NET IIS) Specify the Web site where Appeon Server will be installed to:
You can specify an existing Web site, or create a new one. To install Appeon Server to an existing Web site, you only need to specify the port number. For example, to install to the default Web site with port number 80, the script is similar to below:
<Website port="80"></Website>
To create a Web site and install Appeon Server to this new Web site, you will need to specify the name, port and path for the new Web site, as shown below. Appeon Server will be installed to the Web site after it is created.
<Website name="site_1" port="81" path="c:\inetpub\wwwroot"></Website>
(For J2EE server) Specify the server instance where Appeon Server will be installed to:
You will need to specify the server type, the server home path, the server instance path, the server startup command, the firewall port, and AEM URL. The server type can be any number from 1 to 8: 1 for EAServer 5.x, 2 for EAServer 6.2, 3 for EAServer 6.3, 4 for JBoss 5, 5 for JBoss 7, 6 for JEUS, 7 for WebLogic, and 8 for WebSphere.
Specify the storage type and the location of the Appeon Server file package:
To install Appeon Server, you will need to specify the storage type and where the Appeon Server file package (the file under the AppeonServer folder) is stored. There are three storage types on the cloud platform:
LocalStorage: indicates that the file is stored in the local directory of the Cloud virtual machine instance.
LocalStorage supports all these three cloud platforms: AWS, Windows Azure and Rackspace cloud.
AWSStorage: indicates that the file is stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
AWSStorage only supports AWS cloud platform.
AzureStorage: indicates that the file is stored in a Blob container of Windows Azure. The advantage of storing files in a Blob container over the local storage is that you only need to upload the file once, and then access it from any other Windows Azure virtual machines.
AzureStorage only supports Windows Azure cloud platform.
You must ensure that the Appeon Server file package has been uploaded to the corresponding location, and then set the storage type to the following value: 0, 1, or 2, which represents the local storage, Amazon S3, and Windows Azure Blob respectively. After you set the storage type, you will need to specify more details about the storage. For example, if the Appeon Server file package is stored in the local directory, the script is similar to below:
<AppeonServerFileLocation storageType="0"> <LocalStorage path="C:\Appeon\AppeonServer\"></LocalStorage> </AppeonServerFileLocation>
Configuration for Appeon application installation:
Specify the storage type and the location of the Appeon application package:
To install the Appeon application, you will need to specify the storage type and where the Appeon application package is stored. You can follow the instructions for specifying the storage type and the location of the Appeon Server file package.
Specify the name of the Appeon application deployment which can be any text.
Specify the deployment state which can be either of following values:
deploy: Deploys the Appeon application no matter it is deployed or not.
deployed: Indicates that the Appeon application has been deployed successfully, therefore, the setup program will not install this Appeon application again.
Following is the sample configuration to deploy an Appeon application:
<ApplicationDeployment name="pet_world" storageType="0" deploymentState="deploy"> <LocalStorage path="C:\Appeon\"></LocalStorage> </ApplicationDeployment>
Configure the deployment type depending on whether Web server and Appeon Server are on the same machine or not.
WebServerOnly: Deploys the application files to the Web server only. Set the deployment type to WebServerOnly if you deploy to the machine installed with Web Server only, for example, in an Appeon cluster environment.
AppeonServerOnly: Deploys the application data to the Appeon Server only. Set the deployment type to AppeonServerOnly if you deploy to the machine installed with Appeon Server only, for example, in an Appeon cluster environment.
Both: Deploys the application files to the Web server and the application data to the Appeon Server. Set the deployment type to Both if you deploy to the machine installed with both Appeon Server and Web server, for example, in a non-cluster environment.
For example, to set the deployment type to WebServerOnly:
<DeploymentParameters> <DeploymentParameter name="deploymentType" value="WebServerOnly"/> </DeploymentParameters>
After configuring the AppConfig.xml file, execute the setup.exe program under the same folder. Appeon Server and the Appeon application will be installed in the silent mode according to the configuration in the AppConfig.xml file.