Specify instance details

The Instance Details page appears as soon as you choose an AMI.

Step 1: Enter a number in Number of Instance and choose an instance type from the Instance Type dropdown list box.

Step 2: Select the Launch Instances option and click Continue.

Figure 28. Instance Details

Instance Details

Step 3: Leave the information as default and Click Continue.

Figure 29. Instance Details: Advanced Instance Options

Instance Details: Advanced Instance Options

Step 4: Enter a key in the Key column and enter a value in the Value column. You can add tags up to 10.

Step 5: Click Continue to proceed.

Figure 30. Instance Details: Key and Value

Instance Details: Key and Value

Step 6: Configure the information as needed or leave them as default, and then click Continue.

Figure 31. Instance Details: Advanced Instance Options 2

Instance Details: Advanced Instance Options 2

The Create Key Pair page appears. Follow instructions in the section called “Create Key Pair” to continue with the remaining steps.