Table of Contents
The settings configured in PowerServer Toolkit are critical; they are used throughout the entire PowerBuilder-to-Web or PowerBuilder-to-Mobile process. PowerServer Toolkit settings determine which PowerBuilder application will be converted to the Web or to the Mobile, and the manner in which it will be deployed.
Before you attempt to use any other functionality on the toolkit, complete the following tasks:
Set up an application profile for each of the PowerBuilder applications intended for conversion. Each application profile tells PowerServer Toolkit important information about the application, such as which PBLs compose the PowerBuilder application, the database type, etc.
During the application profile setup, set up a profile for the database type used by the application. This enables PowerServer Toolkit to generate the correct database syntax.
Set up at least one PowerServer profile and one Web Server profile. This enables PowerServer Toolkit to utilize the PowerServer and Web Server for deployment.
Set up at least one deployment profile, which links at least one PowerServer and one Web Server together. This tells PowerServer Toolkit where to deploy the Web or the mobile application.
PowerServer provides a Config Wizard () to quickly configure an application. With your
specifications, the wizard creates the application profile, database type
profile, PowerServer profile, Web server profile, data source profile, and
transaction object mapping. After creation, all these profiles can be
modified in the Configure tool (
). Besides modifying the above profile settings, the
Configure tool provides you with advanced settings, such as performance
settings, parsing options, Web Services profiles, runtime settings,