Saves the PDF file into a blob variable when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
RichText DataWindow does not support this method.
Applies to
DataWindow type |
Method applies to |
PowerBuilder |
DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object, DataStore object |
integer dwcontrol.SaveNativePDFToBlob ( blob data )
Argument |
Description |
dwcontrol |
A reference to a DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object, or DataStore object. |
data |
A blob variable into which the PDF file will be saved. |
Return value
Returns values as follows. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.
1 Success
-1 General error
-2 Insufficient memory. Failed to create the PDF file.
-3 Insufficient disk space. Failed to create the PDF file.
-4 MasterPassword cannot be the same as UserPassword.
blob lblb_data if dw_1.SaveNativePDFToBlob (lblb_data) = 1 then MessageBox("Success", "Saved the native PDF file as blob successfully!") end if