Scrolls a DataWindow control backward one row. ScrollPriorRow changes the current row but not the current column.
Applies to
long dwcontrol.ScrollPriorRow ( )
Return value
Returns the number of the row displayed at the top of the DataWindow control when the scroll finishes or tries to scroll past the first row. ScrollPriorRow returns -1 if an error occurs.
If dwcontrol is null, the method returns null.
After you call ScrollPriorRow, the row before the current row becomes the new current row. If that row is already visible, the displayed rows do not change. If it is not visible, the displayed rows move down to display the row.
ScrollPriorRow does not highlight the row. Use SelectRow to let the user know what row is current.
ScrollPriorRow triggers these events in the order shown:
RowFocusChanging |
RowFocusChanged |
ItemFocusChanged |
ScrollVertical |
You should not use ScrollPriorRow in the ScrollVertical event. Doing so causes this series of events to be triggered repeatedly until the first row in the DataWindow is reached.
This statement scrolls dw_employee to the prior row:
See also