Displays rows in a DataWindow that pass the current filter criteria. Rows that do not meet the filter criteria are moved to the filter buffer.
Applies to
DataWindow type |
Method applies to |
PowerBuilder |
DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object, DataStore object |
integer dwcontrol.Filter ( )
Return value
Returns 1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. The return value is usually not used.
If dwcontrol is null, the method returns null.
Filter uses the current filter criteria for the DataWindow. To change the filter criteria, use the SetFilter method. The SetFilter method is equivalent to using the Filter command on the Rows menu of the DataWindow painter. If you do not call SetFilter to assign or change criteria before calling the Filter method, the DataWindow will default to use the criteria in the object definition.
When the Retrieve method retrieves data for the DataWindow, PowerBuilder applies the filter that was defined for the DataWindow object, if any. You only need to call Filter after you change the filter criteria with SetFilter or if the data has changed because of processing or user input.
The Filter function filters the rows in the datawindow. If the Retrieve As Needed option is set, the Filter method will retrieve all rows before applying the filter.
Filter has no effect on the DataWindows in a composite report.
Filtering and groups
When you filter a DataWindow with groups, you might need to call GroupCalc after you call Filter.
For information on removing the filter or letting the user specify a filter expression, see SetFilter.
This statement displays rows in dw_Employee based on its current filter criteria:
dw_Employee.SetRedraw(false) dw_Employee.Filter() dw_Employee.SetRedraw(true)
See also