Obtains the number of the row the user clicked or double-clicked in a DataWindow control or DataStore object.
Applies to
long dwcontrol.GetClickedRow ( )
Return value
Returns the number of the row that the user clicked or double-clicked in dwcontrol. Returns 0 if the user did not click or double-click a row (for example, the user double-clicked outside the data area, in text or spaces between rows, or in the header, summary, or footer area).
If dwcontrol is null, the method returns null.
Call GetClickedRow in the Clicked or DoubleClicked event for a DataWindow control.
When the user clicks on the row, that row becomes the current row after the Clicked or DoubleClicked event is finished. During those events, GetRow and GetClickedRow can return different values.
If the user arrived at a row by another means, such as tabbing, GetClickedRow cannot identify that row. Use GetRow instead to identify the current row.
Not on child DataWindows
The GetClickedRow method does not work on child DataWindows.
These statements return the number of the row the user clicked or double-clicked in dw_Employee:
long li_RowNbr li_RowNbr = dw_employee.GetClickedRow()
See also