Obtains the number of the current column. The current column is the column that has focus.
Applies to
DataWindow type |
Method applies to |
PowerBuilder |
DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object, DataStore object |
integer dwcontrol.GetColumn ( )
Return value
Returns the number of the current column in dwcontrol. Returns 0 if no column is current (because all the columns have a tab value of 0, making all of them uneditable), and -1 if an error occurs.
If dwcontrol is null, the method returns null.
GetColumn and GetClickedColumn, when called in the Clicked or DoubleClicked event, can return different values. The column the user clicked does not become current until after the event.
Use GetColumnName (instead of GetColumn) when you need the column's name. Use SetColumn to change the current column.
PowerBuilder environment
For use with PowerBuilder ListView controls, see the section called “GetColumn” in PowerScript Reference.
The current column
A column becomes the current column after the user tabs to it or clicks it or if a script calls the SetColumn method. A column cannot be current if it cannot be edited (if it has a tab value of 0).
A DataWindow always has a current column, even when the control is not active, as long as there is at least one editable column.
These statements return the number of the current column in dw_Employee:
integer li_ColNum li_ColNum = dw_employee.GetColumn()
See also