The following table is still under construction. If you find any
mistake or anything is missing, please contact
Section |
Key |
Possible values |
Default value |
Used by IDE or Runtime |
[Application] |
Accessibility |
0 = Disable both MSAA and Microsoft UI Automation (and can resolve several reported bugs of later PowerBuilder versions that run slowly, particularly on Citrix and similar). 1 = Enable both 2 = Enable Microsoft UI Automation only 3 = Enable MSAA only |
0 |
IDE and Runtime |
[Application] |
AppName |
The name of the application that is last opened. |
[Application] |
Applib |
The library of the application that is last opened. |
[Application] |
Citrix |
Whether the programs compiled by PowerBuilder obtain the "default" printer(s) of Windows in real time instead of getting a copy of the "default" printer(s) when the application starts as before. 1 = For handling "default" printer(s) in Citrix environment 0 = For not handling "default" printer(s) in Citrix environment Note: This key is supported starting from version 2019 R3 and works on Windows 10 and later. |
Runtime |
[Application] |
ModernGraph |
Whether the graph displays in the modern style or traditional style. 1 = Displays in the modern style 0 = Displays in the traditional style |
1 |
IDE and Runtime |
[Browser] |
Show Inherited |
Whether the Browser window shows Inherited. True = Show False = Hide |
[Browser] |
Show Legend |
Whether the Browser window shows Legend. True = Show False = Hide |
[Browser] |
Window |
The display size and position of the Browser window that is last opened. |
[Colors] |
Color1 Color2 ...... Color15 Color16 |
The RGB value of the custom color defined in the Choose Color window. |
16777215 |
[Database] |
AutoQuote |
How single quotation marks are placed around strings in the Expression box of the Where Criteria window in the Query or Select painter. 1 = Quotes are automatically added to strings. 0 = No quotes are added. |
1 |
[Database] |
Columns |
The number of columns displayed when you open a table. The default value is 8. |
8 |
[Database] |
ConnectDefault |
Whether the Database painter opens with establishing a connection to a database. 1 = The Database painter establishes a connection to a database using a default profile when the painter is invoked. 0 = The Database painter opens without establishing a connection to a database. |
1 |
[Database] |
EnableSet |
Whether to enable SET commands in the ISQL view for database interfaces. 1 = Enable 0 = Disable |
0 |
[Database] |
HideComments |
Whether the objects of Object Layout view show column comments in the Database painter. 0 = Show 1 = Hide |
0 |
[Database] |
Whether the objects of Object Layout view hide data types in the Database painter. 0 = Hide 1 = Show |
0 |
[Database] |
NoCatalog |
Whether PowerBuilder creates and uses the extended attribute system tables. 0 = PowerBuilder will create and use the tables. 1 = PowerBuilder will not create and use the tables. |
0 |
[Database] |
ODataInPBClassic |
(pending to be updated) |
[Database] |
ReadOnly |
Whether the settings in the Database painter are read-only. 0 = No. Settings in the Database painter can be changed and updated to the extended attribute system tables or other database tables. 1 = Yes. Settings in the Database painter cannot be changed or updated to the extended attribute system tables and other database tables. |
0 |
[Database] |
ShowIndexKeys |
Whether the objects of Object Layout view show index keys in the Database painter. 1 = Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Database] |
ShowReflnt |
Shows referential integrity in the Database painter. 1 = Yes 0 = No |
[Database] |
StayConnected |
Indicates when PowerBuilder disconnects from the database. 1 = PowerBuilder will remain connected to the database until you exit PowerBuilder. 0 = PowerBuilder will disconnect from the database when you exit the Database painter. |
1 |
[Database] |
TableDir |
Shows the table directory when you enter the Database painter. 1 = All tables are listed. 0 = The tables are not displayed until you click the Tables icon open brush. |
1 |
[Database] |
TableListCache |
Specifies the refresh rate of the table list from the database. The default value is 1800 seconds. |
1800 |
[Database] |
TableSpace |
Specifies the name of the table space (database-dependent). |
* |
[Database] |
TerminatorCharacter |
Specifies the SQL statement terminator character used by the ISQL view in the Database painter. |
; |
[Data Window] |
debug_ws_metadata |
(pending to be updated) |
0 |
[Data Window] |
FixPreview |
0 = When using certain Japanese fonts and specific sizes in DataWindow, the printed content is complete, but the total page number in the print result is inconsistent with that of the preview version due to the extra blank lines. 1 = When using certain Japanese fonts and specific sizes in DataWindow, the total page number in the print result is the same as that of the preview version, but the printed content in the column may be truncated. |
0 |
[Data Window] |
ForgetColumnKeyboardLayout |
Yes = PowerBuilder will forget which keyboard layout (language) was used for each individual column. No = PowerBuilder will remember and apply the used keyboard layout when having switched the keyboard layout / language on individual columns. |
No |
IDE and Runtime |
[Data Window] |
GenerateWSAssembliesOnCompile |
Yes = Regenerate an assembly for a DataWindow that uses a Web service data source for retrieval, update, insert, or delete operations No = Do not regenerate an assembly for a DataWindow that uses a Web service data source Note: Web service data source is discontinued starting from PowerBuilder 2022. |
No |
[Data Window] |
GridOn |
The snap-to-grid option. 1 = The objects are aligned on the grid. 0 = The objects can be arbitrarily laid out. |
0 |
[Data Window] |
GridShow |
Whether to show the grid. 0 = Hide 1 = Show |
0 |
[Data Window] |
GridX |
The width of the grid, in pixels, if displayed. The default value is 8. |
8 |
[Data Window] |
GridY |
The height of the grid, in pixels, if displayed. The default value is 8. |
8 |
[Data Window] |
NativePDF_Valid |
1 = Use Native 0 = Use GhostScript or XLSFO Note: This key was added in 2019, and removed in 2019 R2. |
0 |
IDE and Runtime |
[Data Window] |
NativePDF_IncludeCustomFont |
1 = Embed fonts in PDF 0 = Do not embed fonts in PDF Note: This key was added in 2019, and removed in 2019 R2. |
0 |
IDE and Runtime |
[Data Window] |
NativePDFPrintDC |
Whether the NativePDF uses the desktop DC (device context) or the printer DC. 0 = (default) desktop DC 1 = printer DC |
0 |
IDE and runtime |
[Data Window] |
new_default_datasource |
The new_default_datasource keyword contains the value of the current data source selected when you created a new DataWindow (for example, SQL Select or stored procedure data source). It also lists the Composite presentation style as a data source because it behaves differently than all of the other presentation styles (for more information, see Working with DataWindows). Value Meaning: 1 = SQL select 2 = Query 3 = Stored procedure 4= Script 5 = Quick select 6 = Composite |
[Data Window] |
new_default_presentation |
The new_default_presentation keyword contains the value of the current presentation style selected when you created a new DataWindow (for example, tabular or freeform). Values are: 1 = Tabular 2 = Freeform 3 = Grid 4 = Label 5 = N-Up 6 = Crosstab 7 = Graph 8 = Group 9 = OLE 10 = Rich-text |
[Data Window] |
Outline_Objects |
Whether DataWindow objects are outlined. 1 = Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Data Window] |
OverlayLineWidth |
The line width in the type of Line Graph in the DataWindow. The default value is 1. |
1 |
IDE and Runtime |
[Data Window] |
PreviewOnNew |
Previews a new DataWindow on data source selection. Values are yes and no. |
No |
[Data Window] |
PreviewRetrieve |
Retrieves each time you preview a window. 1 = Data should be retrieved immediately when you preview a DataWindow. 0 = Click the Retrieve icon or select Retrieve from the Rows menu in order to view data. |
1 |
[Data Window] |
Preview_RetainData |
Saves retrieval arguments between previews. 1 = The retrieved data is cached between previews. 0 = The data will be retrieved from the database again. |
1 |
[Data Window] |
PrintOnNew |
Previews a new DataWindow after creating a new DataWindow definition. Values are yes and no. |
Yes |
[Data Window] |
PrintPreviewRulers |
Shows rulers on Print Preview window. Values are yes and no. |
No |
[Data Window] |
PrintPreviewZoom |
Zoom percentage for the Print Preview window. The default percentage is 100. |
100 |
[Data Window] |
RTL_NoAlignment |
Yes = Support Alignment when Column selects the RightToLeft property No = Do not support Alignment when Column selects the RightToLeft property |
No |
IDE and Runtime |
[Data Window] |
Ruler |
Whether to show the ruler in the DataWindow painter. 1 = Show 0 = Hide |
0 |
[Data Window] |
Status |
Whether to display the selected target status in the DataWindow painter. 1 = Display 0 = Hide |
0 |
[Data Window] |
stored_procedure_build |
How the process and results of the stored procedure data source are described. 1 = PowerBuilder automatically describes the executable process and results. 0 = PowerBuilder prompts a description. |
1 |
[Data Window] |
useDefaultKeyboardLayout |
Yes = Force RichText Edit DataWindows to use the default keyboard layout No = Do not force RichText Edit DataWindows to use the default keyboard layout |
No |
IDE and Runtime |
[DataStore Behavior] |
UseHwnd |
Yes = Use MS-Window handles in DataStore processing No = Do not use MS-Window handles and gain much better performance (recommend to set to 'No') The DataStore, even though nearly non-visual, still needs to allocate graphical handles and bitmap memory buffers in cases such as when it needs to print the DataWindow. The process of allocating and de-allocating handles can consume both memory and CPU. By setting "UseHwnd" to "No", the DataStore is turned into a true non-visual object. If printing functionality is required, you would need to use a hidden DataWindow control instead. The performance gains are particularly noticeable when the DataStore is used in a loop or when there are multiple DataStores being created and destroyed across different parts of your application during a processing cycle. In such cases, you should observe a drop in memory usage and CPU utilization in your application at execution time. However, setting the value to 'No' might have an undesired side effect. "No" will break print functionality for DataStores, specifically, print (true, true) (which is called by pfc_print if you're a PFC user) will no longer show the regular print dialog for DataStores. Please see the discussion and solution at this community post. |
Yes |
Runtime |
[DbTrace] |
SqlTraceFile |
Changes the trace output file name for the main database trace utility. For example, SqlTraceFile=c:\myApplication\tracesql.log. |
Runtime |
[DbTrace] |
FetchBuffers ShowBindings SumTiming Timing ShowDialog LogFileName |
Changes the log file location and log file name. For example, FetchBuffers = 1 ShowBindings = 1 SumTiming = 1 Timing = 1 ShowDialog = 1 LogFileName = dbtrace.log |
Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime |
[Debug] |
VariablesWindow |
Shows Variables window during debugging. 1 = Show 0 = (Default) Hide |
0 |
[Debug] |
WatchWindow |
Shows Watch window during debugging. 1 = Show 0 = (Default) Hide |
0 |
[DotNetGenerator] |
IsDistingObject |
Whether to add number suffix to the object name if object names are duplicated. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[DotNetGenerator] |
IsArgumentPrefix |
Whether to add prefix to the argument name to identify the data type. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[DotNetGenerator] |
IsPackAgeObject |
Whether to encapsulate a DotNetAssembly object in each DotNetObject object. 1 = Yes 0 = (Default) No |
0 |
[DotNetGenerator] |
IsTryCatch |
Whether to incorporate the try-catch error handling in the DotNetObject object. 1 = Yes 0 = (Default) No |
0 |
[DotNetGenerator] |
PrefixClass |
Prefix for the imported object name. |
nvo_ |
[DotNetGenerator] |
PrefixFunction |
Prefix for the imported function name. |
of_ |
[DotNetGenerator] |
PrefixGetFunction |
Prefix for function which gets the property. |
get_ |
[DotNetGenerator] |
PrefixSetFunction |
Prefix for function which sets the property. |
set_ |
[DotNetGenerator] |
TargetNetType |
The framework type. 1 = .NET Core 0 = (Default) .NET Framework |
0 |
[dwconverter] |
ColumnPlaceHolder |
Whether the C# model uses the column place holder. 1 = (Default) Use the column place holder 0 = Do not use the column place holder |
1 |
IDE and Runtime |
[Edit Mask Behaviors] |
AutocompleteDates |
Yes = (Default) Complete the date automatically. No = Do not complete the date automatically. |
Yes |
IDE and Runtime |
[JavaVM] |
CreateJavaVM |
1 = (Default) Instantiate a Java VM. 0 = Do not instantiate a Java VM. Note: This key is no longer supported starting from version 2022. |
1 |
[Library] |
ApplicationExplosion |
Includes application explosion in report. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
ApplicationScripts |
Includes application scripts in report. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
SccCOImport SccUCImport SccGLImport SccRBImport SccMaxArraySize SccCaseSensitive SccMultiCheckout SccCheckoutNoLock |
Settings for managing source control operations. |
[Library] |
SccExtensions SccLogLevel SccMultithread SccDiffStrategy |
Settings for troubleshooting problems with source control. |
1 |
[Library] |
DeletePrompt |
Prompts for library or entry deletion. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
DisplayComments |
Shows comments in the library list. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
DisplayDates |
Shows last update date in library list. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
DisplaySizes |
Shows entry file sizes in the library list. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
ExportEncodingDefault |
The default encoding of Export Library Entry. 2 = ANSI/DBCS 4 = UTF-8 8 = (Default) Unicode LE 32 = HEXACSII |
8 |
[Library] |
IncludeApplications |
Includes application objects in a browse. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
IncludeDataWindows |
Includes DataWindows in a browse. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
IncludeFunctions |
Includes user functions in a browse. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
IncludeMenus |
Includes menus in a browse. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
IncludePipeLines |
Includes pipelines in a browse. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
IncludeQueries |
Includes queries in a browse. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
IncludeStructures |
Includes structures in a browse. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
IncludeUserObjects |
Includes User objects in a browse. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
IncludeWindows |
Includes Windows in a browse. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
MenuAttributes |
Includes menu attributes in report. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
MenuScripts |
Includes menu scripts in report. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
NormalFont |
Contains the font used when printing developer reports. It is used in the display text of Window controls, and the available fonts depend on the print driver and the soft fonts that are loaded. |
Courier New |
[Library] |
NormalFontHeight |
Contains the font height when printing developer reports. The default value is 10. |
10 |
[Library] |
SaveBackupsOnOptimize |
Creates a backup file when library is optimized. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
WindowAttributes |
Includes Window attributes in report. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
WindowObjects |
Includes Window objects during report print. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
WindowObjectsAttributes |
Includes Window object attributes in report. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
WindowObjectsScripts |
Includes Window object scripts in report. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
WindowPicture |
Includes picture of window in report. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[Library] |
WindowScripts |
Includes window scripts in report. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[PB] |
AutoSetCurrentTarget |
1 = (Default) Set the current target as default automatically 0 = Cancel the setting and manually set it |
1 |
[PB] |
Targets the output of your Machine Code compiling to a specific location (for PowerBuilder IDE only). For example, CODEGENTEMP = C:\PB2019\CplusPlus |
[PB] |
CompilerWarnings |
Shows compiler warnings during compile. 1 = (Default) Show 0 = Suppress |
1 |
[PB] |
DashesInIdentifiers |
Dashes are allowed in identifiers (there must be a space before the dash if it is used as an operator). 1 = (Default) Allow 0 = Prohibit |
1 |
[PB] |
DashInIdentifiers |
(pending to be updated) |
[PB] |
DatabaseWarnings |
Shows database warnings during compile. 1 = (Default) Show 0 = Suppress |
1 |
[PB] |
DebugOutFile |
The debug log file location and file name, for example, DebugOutFile = c:\<path>\<filename>.dbg (used in combination with PBDebug = ON). |
Runtime |
[PB] |
Dock |
Contains the layout of UI Dock. |
[PB] |
EditorFontHeight |
Contains the Editor font height being used in PowerBuilder IDE. |
[PB] |
EditorFontName |
Contains the name of the Editor font being used in PowerBuilder IDE. |
[PB] |
InheritSelection |
(pending to be updated) |
2 |
[PB] |
LastWorkspace |
Contains the last workspace path. |
[PB] |
LatestProductNews |
Whether the latest product news is automatically displayed when opening PowerBuilder IDE (it is only displayed once during a new installation). The key is supported starting from version 2017. 0 = Display 1 = (Default) Hide |
1 |
[PB] |
Maximized |
Maximizes main PowerBuilder IDE window when opened. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[PB] |
NewDefaults |
(pending to be updated) |
6 |
[PB] |
NewDimensions |
(pending to be updated) |
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
[PB] |
NewSelection |
(pending to be updated) |
9 |
[PB] |
OpenSelection |
(pending to be updated) |
5 |
[PB] |
PasteLowerCase |
1 = (Default) Paste the scripts in lowercase. 0 = Paste the scripts in uppercase. |
1 |
[PB] |
PbCrashFlag |
The flag of PowerBuilder IDE crash. 1 = (Default) Cause the PowerBuilder IDE to crash. 0 = Open the PowerBuilder IDE normally. |
1 |
[PB] |
PBDebug |
Indicates whether the Just In Time Debugging option is on or off. ON = Create a debug log when running in the development mode OFF = (Default) Do not create a debug log when running in the development mode |
Runtime |
[PB] |
PrinterFontHeight |
Contains the Printer font height being used in PowerBuilder IDE. |
[PB] |
PrinterFontName |
Contains the name of the Printer font being used in PowerBuilder IDE. |
[PB] |
PromptOnExit |
Exits confirmation message to leave PowerBuilder IDE. 1 = Yes 0 = (Default) No |
0 |
[PB] |
ReopenWorkspace |
Reopens the current workspace project automatically. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[PB] |
RunSelection |
(pending to be updated) |
0 |
[PB] |
SCC_SkipOpenWarning |
Skips warning when opening objects are not checked out. 1 = Skip 0 = (Default) Show |
0 |
[PB] |
StartDialog |
Starts Welcome to PowerBuilder dialog box. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[PB] |
StripComments |
Strips statement comments when sending SQL statements to DBMS. 1 = (Default) Strip 0 = Keep |
1 |
[PB] |
SystemOptionsPage |
(pending to be updated) |
0 |
[PB] |
SystemTree_DotNetFullName |
1 = Display the full class name 0 = Display only the final name Note: .NET Assembly target is discontinued starting from PowerBuilder 2022. |
[PB] |
TestIni |
(pending to be updated) |
[PB] |
ToolbarText |
Indicates whether the Show Text option is on or off in PowerBuilder IDE. 1 = On 0 = (Default) Off |
0 |
[PB] |
ToolbarTips |
Indicates whether the Show PowerTips option is on or off in PowerBuilder IDE. 1 = (Default) On 0 = Off |
1 |
[PB] |
UserHelpFile UserHelpPrefix |
[PB] |
UserOptionFileExt |
Saves the breakpoints set by developer in a separate file. |
[PB] |
UseSimpleMAPI |
Yes = Use Simple MAPI No = Use Extended MAPI Both have their individual shortcomings / bugs. |
Depends on which version of PowerBuilder you are using, so it is better to set this value explicitly. |
Runtime |
[PB] |
UseZp1 |
UseZp1=1 is equivalent to selecting "Use 1-byte structure member alignment in external function" in System Options dialog box > General tab. |
Runtime |
[PB] |
WebLink1 WebLink2 WebLink3 WebLink4 WebLink5 WebLink6 |
WebLink1 = Community &Q&&A, WebLink2 = &Online Product Manuals, WebLink3 = PowerBuilder &Demo Apps, WebLink4 = &PowerBuilder Education, WebLink5 = &Technical Support, WebLink6 = &Latest Product News, |
[PB] |
Window |
Contains display size and position for PowerBuilder windows, and locates the newly created windows automatically. |
[PB] |
XPStyleTB |
Enables the offending portion of the new menu presentation layer (for Windows XP only). 1 = (Default) Enable 0 = Disable |
1 |
[PB Welcome] |
IsEnable |
Whether to open the welcome screen. |
0 |
[PB Welcome] |
WebLink |
(pending to be updated) |
[RibbonBarXmlEdit] |
DynamicInterval |
Indicates the refresh interval (milliseconds) when dynamic refresh is supported in Ribbonbar Builder. The default value is 100. |
100 |
[RibbonBarXmlEdit] |
IsDynamicrefresh |
Whether dynamic refresh is supported in Ribbonbar Builder. 1 = (Default) Yes 0 = No |
1 |
[RibbonBarXmlEdit] |
IsTopLayout |
Whether to place the preview pane on the top in Ribbonbar Builder. 1 = On the top 0 = (Default) On the bottom |
0 |
[RibbonBarXmlEdit] |
ShowLineNumbers |
Whether to show line numbers. 1 = (Default) Show 0 = Hide |
1 |
[RibbonBarXmlEdit] |
WordWrap |
Whether to start word wrap. 1 = Yes 0 = (Default) No |
0 |
[RibbonBarXmlEdit] |
XmlCurrentDirectory |
Sets the default Images Directory path in Ribbonbar Builder. The default value is null. |
[RichText] |
PageSizeAsControlSize |
1 = Adapt the page size on a RichText control to the control's size. Resolve the issue of PowerBuilder RichText Control WordWrap property is not working. 0 = (Default) Do not adapt the page size to the control's size. |
0 |
Runtime |
[SourceControlProxy] |
Url Port Username Password Timeout |
Uses a proxy server to connect with the source control server. Note: These keys are supported starting from 2019 R3. |
[SourceControl] |
DetailError |
1 = Generate detailed error log when using source control in PowerBuilder IDE. It is recommended to use it together with the "Log All Activity" option in the Workspace properties > Source Control tab. 0 = (Default) Do not generate detailed error log. Note: This key is supported starting from 2019 R3. |
0 |
[SQL Painter] |
Hidecomments |
Shows column comments when table is opened. 1 = Hide 0 = (Default) Show |
0 |
[SQL Painter] |
Whether to hide Comments, Datatypes and Label of Table. The default value is null. C = Hide Comments of Table D = Hide Datatypes of Table L = Hide Label of Table CDL = Hide Comments, Datatypes and Label of Table |
[SQL Painter] |
Tabitem |
(pending to be updated) |
1 |
[Tabbedbar] |
NewTabAtRightMost |
Whether a painter or editor is opened from the left most location or the right most location of the tab bar in the IDE. 1 = (Default) Opened at the right most location. 0 = Opened at the left most location. |
1 |
[Window] |
GridOn |
The snap-to-grid option. 1 = The objects are aligned on the grid. 0 = (Default) The objects can be arbitrarily laid out. |
0 |
[Window] |
GridShow |
Whether to show the grid. 1 = (Default) Show 0 = Hide |
1 |
[Window] |
GridX |
The width of the grid, in pixels, if displayed. The default value is 8. |
8 |
[Window] |
GridY |
The height of the grid, in pixels, if displayed. The default value is 8. |
8 |
[Window] |
Status |
Whether to display the selected target status in the Window painter. 1 = Display 0 = (Default) Hide |
0 |