The PBDOM_DOCTYPE class represents the Document Type Declaration Object of an XML DOM Document. The PBDOM_DOCTYPE class provides access to the name of the root element that is constrained within the DOCTYPE as well as the internal subset, system, and public IDs.
Some of the inherited methods from PBDOM_OBJECT serve no meaningful objective and only default or trivial functionalities result. These are described in the following table:
Method |
Always returns |
AddContent |
The current PBDOM_DOCTYPE |
GetContent |
false |
GetText |
Empty string |
GetTextNormalize |
Empty string |
GetTextTrim |
Empty string |
HasChildren |
false |
InsertContent |
The current PBDOM_DOCTYPE |
IsAncestorObjectOf |
false |
RemoveContent |
false |
SetContent |
The current PBDOM_DOCTYPE |
PBDOM_DOCTYPE has the following non-trivial methods: