
The PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE class defines the behavior for an XML attribute, modeled in PowerScript. Its methods allow you to obtain the value of the attribute as well as namespace information.

A PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE contains a subtree of child PBDOM_OBJECTS. These children can be a combination of PBDOM_TEXT and PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE objects.

PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has no parent.

A PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE does not have a parent. However, it does have an owner PBDOM_ELEMENT. Use the GetOwnerElementObject and SetOwnerElementObject to get and set the owner.

Starting from version 2022, when creating a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object, the object no longer adds a child node by default.

You can use HasChildren method to determine whether the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object contains any child nodes.

For more information about the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object, including its default PBDOM_TEXT object and its behavior with respect to XML namespaces, see the section called “Using PowerBuilder XML Services” in Application Techniques.


Some of the inherited methods from PBDOM_OBJECT serve no meaningful objective and only default or trivial functionalities result. These are described in the following table:


Always returns




The current PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE, returned unmodified as a PBDOM_OBJECT

PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE has the following methods: