Sets the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT as the parent of the current PBDOM_OBJECT.
pbdom_object_name.SetParentObject(pbdom_object pbdom_object_ref)
Argument |
Description |
pbdom_object_name |
The name of the PBDOM_OBJECT |
pbdom_object_ref |
The PBDOM_OBJECT to be set as the parent of the current PBDOM_OBJECT |
Return value
PBDOM_OBJECT. The current PBDOM_OBJECT is appended as a child node of the referenced parent.
EXCEPTION_PBDOM_OBJECT_INVALID_FOR_USE -- This PBDOM_OBJECT object or the input PBDOM_OBJECT is not associated with a derived PBDOM_OBJECT class object.
EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT -- The input PBDOM_OBJECT is invalid. This can happen if it has not been initialized properly, or if it is a null object reference.
EXCEPTION_INAPPROPRIATE_USE_OF_PBDOM_OBJECT -- If the input PBDOM_OBJECT is of a class that cannot have a legal parent-child relationship with this PBDOM_OBJECT.
In the following code example, a PBDOM_ELEMENT object is created and called pbdom_elem_1. Its parent is set to be the root element of the PBDOM_DOCUMENT called pbdom_doc. Once this is done, pbdom_elem_1 is immediately transferred to the pbdom_doc document and pbdom_elem_1 is immediately appended as a child node of the root element of pbdom_doc.
The following method call returns the string "pbdom_element", because the root element is a PBDOM_ELEMENT:
The following method call returns the string "Root_Element", which is the name of the root element:
Here is the complete example:
PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_1 PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_root PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_doc1 pbdom_doc1 = Create PBDOM_DOCUMENT pbdom_elem_1 = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_1.SetName ("pbdom_elem_1") pbdom_doc1.NewDocument ("", "", "Root_Element", "", "") pbdom_elem_root = pbdom_doc1.GetRootElement() pbdom_elem_1.SetParentObject(pbdom_elem_root) MessageBox ("Parent Class", & pbdom_elem_1.GetParentObject(). & GetObjectClassString()) MessageBox ("Parent Name", & pbdom_elem_1.GetParentObject().GetName()) destroy pbdom_elem_1 destroy pbdom_elem_root destroy pbdom_doc1
The caller is responsible for ensuring that the current PBDOM_OBJECT and the referenced PBDOM_OBJECT can have a legal parent-child relationship. The caller is also responsible for making sure pre-existing parentage is legal.
The PBDOM SetParentObject method differs from the JDOM SetParent method in that JDOM defines a setParent method for several specific classes, including Element, Comment, and CDATA. PBDOM implements the SetParentObject method in the base PBDOM_OBJECT class to allow polymorphism.
See the SetParentObject documentation of derived PBDOM_OBJECT classes for more details on implementation of specific classes.
See also