Returns the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object that owns the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE.
Return value
PBDOM_DOCUMENT. The PBDOM_DOCUMENT that owns the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object from which the GetOwnerDocumentObject method is invoked.
A return value of null indicates the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object is not owned by any PBDOM_DOCUMENT.
The GetOwnerDocumentObject method can be used to identify the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object that owns a PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object.
Here, the BuildFromString method is used to create the following PBDOM_DOCUMENT object, pbdom_doc, using an XML string:
<abc My_Attr="My Attribute Value"> <data>Data </data> </abc>
The GetAttribute method is used to obtain the attribute from the root element of pbdom_doc. This value is assigned to the PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE object pbdom_attr. The GetOwnerDocumentObject method is used to obtain the pbdom_doc that owns pbdom_attr. The result of the GetOwnerDocumentObject method is assigned to the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object pbdom_doc_2. Then pbdom_doc_2 is compared to pbdom_doc using the Equals method, and the result is displayed in a message box.
PBDOM_Builder pbdombuilder_new pbdom_document pbdom_doc pbdom_document pbdom_doc_2 PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE pbdom_attr string strXML = "<abc My_Attr=~"My Attribute Value~"><data>Data </data></abc>" TRY pbdombuilder_new = Create PBDOM_Builder pbdom_doc = pbdombuilder_new.BuildFromString (strXML) pbdom_attr = pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(). & GetAttribute("My_Attr") pbdom_doc_2 = pbdom_attr.GetOwnerDocumentObject() if (pbdom_doc.Equals(pbdom_doc_2)) then MessageBox ("Equals", "pbdom_doc equals " & + "pbdom_attr.GetOwnerDocumentObject()") end if Destroy pbdombuilder_new CATCH (PBDOM_Exception except) MessageBox ("Exception Occurred", except.Text) END TRY
See also