Returns a string form of the class of the PBDOM_OBJECT.
Return value
A string that indicates the class of the current PBDOM_OBJECT. If pbdom_object_name is a PBDOM_ELEMENT object, the returned string is "pbdom_element".
The GetObjectClass method returns a string specific to the class of the object from which the method is invoked.
PBDOM_OBJECT pbdom_obj pbdom_obj = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT MessageBox ("Class", pbdom_obj.GetObjectClassString())
This example illustrates polymorphisms: pbdom_obj is declared as PBDOM_OBJECT but instantiated as PBDOM_ELEMENT object. A message box returns the result of the GetObjectClassString method invoked for PBDOM_ELEMENT object. Here the result is pbdom_element, indicating that pbdom_obj is a PBDOM_ELEMENT object.
This method can be used for diagnostic purposes to dynamically determine the actual type of a PBDOM_OBJECT at runtime.