- AddContent
- AddNamespaceDeclaration
- Clone
- Detach
- Equals
- GetAttribute
- GetAttributes
- GetAttributeValue
- GetChildElement
- GetChildElements
- GetContent
- GetName
- GetNamespacePrefix
- GetNamespaceUri
- GetObjectClass
- GetObjectClassString
- GetOwnerDocumentObject
- GetParentObject
- GetQualifiedName
- GetText
- GetTextNormalize
- GetTextTrim
- HasAttributes
- HasChildElements
- HasChildren
- InsertContent
- IsAncestorObjectOf
- IsRootElement
- RemoveAttribute
- RemoveChildElement
- RemoveChildElements
- RemoveContent
- RemoveNamespaceDeclaration
- SetAttribute
- SetAttributes
- SetContent
- SetDocument
- SetName
- SetNamespace
- SetParentObject
- SetText
The PBDOM_ELEMENT class defines the behavior for an XML element modeled in PowerScript. Methods allow the user to obtain the text content of an element, the attributes of an element, and the children of an element.
In PBDOM, an XML element's attributes are not its children. Attributes are properties of elements rather than having a separate identity from the elements with which they are associated. An element's PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects do not have sibling relationships with each other in the same way as the element's children.
For more information on the relationships among PBDOM_ELEMENT and PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects, see the chapter on XML services in Application Techniques.
PBDOM_ELEMENT has the following methods: