Checks if the path exists.
Applies to
objectname.ContainsPath ( ItemPath )
Argument |
Description |
objectname |
The name of the JSONParser object whose path you want to check. |
ItemPath |
A string whose value is the path of the item of JsonArrayItem type. If there is a multi-dimensional array, use the number to indicate the order of the array elements. If a key name contains "/", use the escape character "~~/" to replace "/". |
Return value
Boolean. Returns true if the item path exists and false if an error occurs. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.
Example 1
This example loads a JSON string into a JSONParser object and checks if the specified path exists:
String ls_Return, ls_Path Boolean lb_Contains JSONItemType ljit_Dept JsonParser ljp_ContainsPath ljp_ContainsPath = Create JsonParser // Loads JSON string to JSONParser object ls_Return = ljp_ContainsPath.LoadString ( '{"Boolean":false, "Name":"A&DName", "object":{"1":"1"}, "dept":[{"dept_id":100, "dept_name":"R & D8", "dept_head_id":105}, {"dept_id":200, "dept_name":"Sales", "dept_head_id":129}]}' ) If Trim(ls_Return)<>"" Then // Prints the error message Return End If // Checks if JSONParser parent node contains a Boolean path // This script returns TRUE ls_Path = "/Boolean" lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsPath.ContainsPath( ls_Path ) ls_Path = "/dept" lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsPath.ContainsPath( ls_Path ) If lb_Contains Then ljit_Dept = ljp_ContainsPath.getitemtype( ls_Path ) If ljit_Dept = JsonArrayItem! Then // Checks if the first element contains a dept_name path // This script returns TRUE ls_Path = "/dept/1/dept_name" lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsPath.ContainsPath( ls_Path ) // Checks if the first element contains a Boolean path // This script returns FALSE ls_Path = "/dept/1/Boolean" lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsPath.ContainsPath( ls_Path ) Else // Prints error message: the dept path is JsonArrayItem End If Else // Prints the error message End If
See also