Determines the distance of the pointer from the top of the specified object.
Applies to
Any object or control
objectname.PointerY ( )
Argument |
Description |
objectname |
The name of the control or window for which you want the pointer's distance from the top. If you do not specify objectname, PointerY reports the distance from the top of the current sheet or window. |
Return value
Integer. Returns the pointer's distance from the top of objectname in PowerBuilder units if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If objectname is null, PointerY returns null.
In a script for a control in a window, the following example stores the distance of the pointer from the top of the window in the variable li_dist. If the pointer is 10 units from the top of the window, li_dist equals 10:
integer li_Dist li_Dist = Parent.PointerY()
This statement in a control's RButtonDown script displays a pop-up menu m_Appl.M_Help at the cursor position:
m_Appl.M_Help.PopMenu(Parent.PointerX(), & Parent.PointerY())
See also