After all persisted sheets are opened, this function arranges them and makes them visible.
Applies to
Windows objects
CommitDocking ()
When all persisted sheets are opened using the LoadDockingState and OpenSheetFromDockingState or OpenSheetWithParmFromDockingState, the CommitDocking does the work of arranging everything in place and making it all visible.
Restore all sheets for register
string s1[], s2[] string is_register = "Appeon\PowerBuilder\Examples\Docking\" integer li_start, li_end, li_i, li_rtn li_rtn = LoadDockingState(is_register,s1,s2) window lw_window li_start = lowerbound(s1) li_end = upperbound(s2) for li_i = li_start to li_end openSheetFromDockingState(lw_window,s1[li_i], this, s2[li_i]) next CommitDocking()