The DragWithin event has different arguments for different objects:
For information about the DataWindow control's DragWithin event, see the section called “DragWithin” in DataWindow Reference.
Occurs when the user is dragging an object within the control.
Event ID
Event ID |
Objects |
pbm_lbndragwithin |
ListBox, PictureListBox |
pbm_lvndragwithin |
ListView |
pbm_tcndragwithin |
Tab |
Argument |
Description |
source |
DragObject by value (a reference to the control being dragged) |
index |
Integer by value (a reference to the ListView item under the pointer in the ListView control) |
Return Values
Return code choices (specify in a RETURN statement):
0 -- Continue processing
Obsolete functions
You no longer need to call the DraggedObject function in a drag event. Use the source argument instead.
This example changes the background color of the ListView when a DragObject enters its border:
This.BackColor = RGB(128, 0, 128)
See also
Occurs when the user is dragging an object within the control.
Event ID
Argument |
Description |
source |
DragObject by value (a reference to the control being dragged) |
handle |
Long (a reference to the ListView item under the pointer in the TreeView control) |
Return Values
Return code choices (specify in a RETURN statement):
0 -- Continue processing
Obsolete functions
You no longer need to call the DraggedObject function in a drag event. Use the source argument instead.
This example changes the background color of the TreeView when a DragObject enters its border:
This.BackColor = RGB(128, 0, 128)
See also
Occurs when the user is dragging an object within the control.
Event ID
Event ID |
Objects |
pbm_bndragwithin |
CheckBox, CommandButton, Graph, InkEdit, InkPicture, Picture, PictureHyperLink, PictureButton, RadioButton |
pbm_cbndragwithin |
DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox |
pbm_dragwithin |
DatePicker, MonthCalendar |
pbm_endragwithin |
SingleLineEdit, EditMask, MultiLineEdit, StaticText, StaticHyperLink |
pbm_omndragwithin |
pbm_prndragwithin |
HProgressBar, VProgressBar |
pbm_rendragwithin |
RichTextEdit |
pbm_sbndragwithin |
HScrollBar, HTrackBar, VScrollBar, VTrackBar |
pbm_uondragwithin |
UserObject |
pbm_dragwithin |
Window |
Return Values
Return code choices (specify in a RETURN statement):
0 -- Continue processing
Obsolete functions
You no longer need to call the DraggedObject function in a drag event. Use the source argument instead.
See also