

Checks if the key name exists. It only checks the key at the first level of the JSON string.

If more than one key with the same name exists, it will only check the first key. Notice that the JSONPackage IgnoreCase property (true by default) determines whether the key name will be matched in a case-sensitive manner.

Applies to

JSONPackage and JSONParser objects

Syntax for JSONPackage

objectname.ContainsKey ( Key )

Syntax for JSONParser

objectname.ContainsKey ( ParentItemHandle, Key )
objectname.ContainsKey ( ParentItemPath, Key )




The name of the JSONPackage or JSONParser object whose key you want to check.


A long value specifying the parent item handle which is JsonObjectItem type.


A string value specifying the parent item path which is JsonObjectItem type.


A string value specifying the key name.

Return value

Boolean. Returns true if the key exists and false if the key does not exist. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.

Example 1

This example sets the value for key and then checks if the specified key exists:

boolean lb_emp, lb_depart
JsonPackage lnv_package
lnv_package = create JsonPackage

// Packages the data
lnv_package.SetValue("d_employee", dw_employee) 

// lb_emp returns true and lb_depart returns false
lb_emp = lnv_package.ContainsKey("d_employee")
lb_depart = lnv_package.ContainsKey("d_department")

Example 2

This example loads a JSON string into a JSONParser object and checks if the specified key exists:

String         ls_Return
Long           ll_RootHandle
Boolean        lb_Contains
Long           ll_ItemHandle
Long           ll_Object
JSONItemType   ljit_Dept

JsonParser     ljp_ContainsKey
ljp_ContainsKey = Create JsonParser

// Loads JSON string to JSONParser object
ls_Return = ljp_ContainsKey.LoadString ( '{"Boolean":false, "Name":"A&DName", "object":{"1":"1"}, "dept":[{"dept_id":100, "dept_name":"R & D8", "dept_head_id":105}, {"dept_id":200, "dept_name":"Sales", "dept_head_id":129}]}'  )
If Trim(ls_Return)<>"" Then 
  // Prints the error message
End If 
ll_RootHandle = ljp_ContainsKey.GetRootitem( )
// Checks if Jsonparser parent node contains a Boolean key
// This script returns TRUE
lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsKey.Containskey( ll_RootHandle, "Boolean")

lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsKey.Containskey( ll_RootHandle, "dept")
If lb_Contains Then
   ljit_Dept = ljp_ContainsKey.getitemtype( ll_RootHandle, "dept")
  If ljit_Dept = JsonArrayItem! Then
   // Gets the handle of array object in the JSON string
   ll_ItemHandle = ljp_ContainsKey.GetItemarray( ll_RootHandle, "dept")
   // Gets the handle of the first element of the array object
   ll_Object = ljp_ContainsKey.GetChildItem( ll_ItemHandle, 1)
   // Checks if the first element contains dept_name key
   // This script returns TRUE
   lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsKey.Containskey( ll_Object, "dept_name")
   // Checks if the first element contains a Boolean key.
   // This script returns FALSE  
   lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsKey.Containskey( ll_Object, "Boolean")                     
   // Prints error message: the dept key is JsonArrayItem
  End If             
   // Prints the error message
End If

Example 3

This example loads a JSON string into a JSONParser object and checks if the specified key exists:

String         ls_Return, ls_RootPath, ls_ChildPath
Boolean        lb_Contains
JSONItemType   ljit_Dept

JsonParser     ljp_ContainsKey
ljp_ContainsKey = Create JsonParser

// Loads JSON string to JSONParser object
ls_Return = ljp_ContainsKey.LoadString ( '{"Boolean":false, "Name":"A&DName", "object":{"1":"1"}, "dept":[{"dept_id":100, "dept_name":"R & D8", "dept_head_id":105}, {"dept_id":200, "dept_name":"Sales", "dept_head_id":129}]}'  )
If Trim(ls_Return)<>"" Then 
  // Prints the error message
End If 
ls_RootPath = "/"
// Checks if Jsonparser parent node contains a Boolean key
// This script returns TRUE
lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsKey.Containskey( ls_RootPath,"Boolean")

lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsKey.Containskey( ls_RootPath, "dept")
If lb_Contains Then
  ls_ChildPath = "/dept"
  ljit_Dept = ljp_ContainsKey.getitemtype( ls_ChildPath )
  If ljit_Dept = JsonArrayItem! Then    
    // Checks if the first element contains a dept_name key
    // This script returns TRUE
    ls_ChildPath = "/dept/1"
    lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsKey.Containskey( ls_ChildPath,"dept_name" )
    // Checks if the first element contains a Boolean key.
    // This script returns FALSE  
    lb_Contains = ljp_ContainsKey.Containskey( ls_ChildPath, "Boolean")                     
    // Prints error message: the dept key is JsonArrayItem
  End If             
   // Prints the error message
End If

See also

SetValue (JSONPackage)

ContainsPath (JSONParser)