Technical Support

If your Appeon PowerServer copy is directly purchased from Appeon Inc., please contact our Technical Support at for help. Please be prepared to provide the following files listed in the following table to Appeon Technical Support. This will aid debugging.

Table 6. Files for technical support

File Type

File Name

Application Server Configuration File

For WebLogic:




<WL_Domain> indicates the domain path of WebLogic server.

For WebSphere:


<WAS_HOME> indicates the home directory of WebSphere server.





<JEUS_HOME> indicates the installation path of JEUS.

For JBoss:




All XML files in the <JBOSS_HOME>\server\<instancename>\conf folder.

<JBOSS_HOME> indicates the home path of WildFly or JBoss EAP application server.

Application server log file

For WebLogic:

<WL_Domain>\mydomain.log and all <WL_Domain>\mydomain.log* files

* indicates the sequence number of the log files.

For WebSphere:

All files in the <WAS_HOME>\logs\server1 folder


All files in the <JEUS_HOME>\logs folder.

For JBoss:

All files in <JBOSS_HOME>\server\<instancename>\log folder.

PowerServer configuration file

For PowerServer installed to WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss or JEUS:

All files in the <powerserver>\repository\<instancename>\config folder.

For PowerServer installed to IIS:

All files in the <powerserver>\AEM\config folder.

<powerserver> indicates the PowerServer installation path.

PowerServer log file

For PowerServer installed to WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss or JEUS:

All files in the <powerserver>\repository\<instancename>\log folder.

For PowerServer installed to IIS:

All files in the <powerserver>\AEM\Log folder.

<powerserver> indicates the PowerServer installation path.

PowerServer Repository DB

For PowerServer installed to WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss or JEUS:


For PowerServer installed to IIS:

All files in the <powerserver>\AEM\db folder.

<powerserver> indicates the PowerServer installation path.

Appeon license file

PowerServer installed to WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, and JEUS:


For IIS:


Web Server configuration file


Web Page file

Web Server path\application name\window name.html

Web Server path\application name\window name.js

Web Server path\application name\all DataWindows on window.xml

Note: If the window named includes inheritance, then also supply all ancestors.html and ancestors.js files.

PowerBuilder exported source code file

PowerBuilder application path\exported window name.srw

PowerBuilder application path\exported DataWindow names.srd

Note: Exported windows should include exported ancestor windows and exported ancestor user objects.