Tables in the database are always locked.
Cause: Because of the inherited features with Web architecture, the chances of the database locking are indeed increased compared to client/server architecture. For example, on the web: If there is too much time from the beginning of Data base operations to Commit, a transaction will consume database resources and increase the chances of the database locking.
Place the transactions in server NVOs or database procedures for execution.
Break the transaction into smaller transactions. Commit each database operations so a transaction does not take too much to Commit.
Refer to the following coding as an example:
Window open(); //Profile appeonsample SQLCA.DBMS = "ODBC" SQLCA.AutoCommit = "False" SQLCA.DBParm = "ConnectString = ??DSN=AppeonSample; UID=dba; PWD=sql" CONNECT; Command Button cb_1: String ls_emplid, ls_emplname Ls_emplid = sle_1.text DELETE employee WHERE s_emplid = :ls_emplid; COMMIT; DECLARE cur_empl CURSOR FOR SELECT s_emplid, s_emplname from employee; ; OPEN cur_empl; FETCH cur_empl INTO :ls_emplid, :ls_emplname; DO WHILE sqlca.sqlcode=0 Ddlb_1.additem("["+ls_emplic+"]"+ls_emplname) FETCH cur_empl INTO :ls_emplid, :ls_emplname; LOOP CLOSE cur_empl; Ddlb_1.selectitem(1) Ddlb_1.triggerevent ("eventchanged") COMMIT;