Appeon InfoMaker® 2022
LAST REVISED: October 31, 2022
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Table of Contents
- The InfoMaker Environment
- Working with InfoMaker
- About InfoMaker
- What you can do using InfoMaker
- The InfoMaker environment
- Working with libraries
- Working with objects
- Working in painters
- Working with tools
- Using property pages
- Using toolbars
- Using report wizards
- Using the To-Do List
- Using online Help
- Customizing keyboard shortcuts
- Using the file editor
- Changing fonts
- Accessing shared queries stored on a network
- Defining libraries for user-defined form styles
- Using the Query Governor
- How your InfoMaker environment is managed
- Starting InfoMaker from the command line
- Working with Libraries
- About libraries
- About InfoMaker libraries and special files
- Creating new libraries
- About the Library painter
- Working with libraries
- Displaying libraries and objects
- Using the pop-up menu
- Controlling columns that display in the List view
- Selecting objects
- Filtering the display of objects
- Filtering the display of libraries and folders
- Working in the current library
- Changing the current library
- Opening and previewing objects
- Copying, moving, and deleting objects
- Setting the root
- Moving back, forward, and up one level
- Modifying comments
- Deleting libraries
- Optimizing libraries
- Regenerating library entries
- Creating a library directory report
- Working with Databases
- Managing the Database
- Working with database components
- Managing databases
- Using the Database painter
- Creating and deleting a SQL Anywhere database
- Working with tables
- Creating a new table from scratch
- Creating a new table from an existing table
- Specifying column definitions
- Specifying table and column properties
- Altering a table
- Cutting, copying, and pasting columns
- Closing a table
- Dropping a table
- Viewing pending SQL changes
- Printing the table definition
- Exporting table syntax
- About system tables
- Creating and editing temporary tables
- Working with keys
- Working with indexes
- Working with database views
- Manipulating data
- Creating and executing SQL statements
- Controlling access to the current database
- Working with Data Pipelines
- Reports
- Defining Reports
- Enhancing Reports
- Working in the Report painter
- Using the Preview view of a report
- Saving data in an external file
- Modifying general report properties
- Changing the report style
- Setting colors in a report
- Setting gradients and background pictures in a report
- Setting transparency properties for a report
- Specifying properties of a grid report
- Specifying pointers for a report
- Defining print specifications for a report
- Modifying text in a report
- Naming controls in a report
- Using borders in a report
- Specifying variable-height bands in a report
- Modifying the data source of a report
- Storing data in a report using the Data view
- Retrieving data
- Working with Controls in Reports
- Adding controls to a report
- Adding columns to a report
- Adding text to a report
- Adding drawing controls to a report
- Adding a group box to a report
- Adding pictures to a report
- Adding computed fields to a report
- Adding buttons to a report
- Adding graphs to a report
- Adding InkPicture controls to a report
- Adding OLE controls to a report
- Adding reports to a report
- Adding table blob controls to a report
- Adding tooltips to a DataWindow control
- Reorganizing controls in a report
- Displaying boundaries for controls in a report
- Using the grid and the ruler in a report
- Deleting controls in a report
- Moving controls in a report
- Copying controls in a report
- Resizing controls in a report
- Aligning controls in a report
- Equalizing the space between controls in a report
- Equalizing the size of controls in a report
- Sliding controls to remove blank space in a report
- Positioning controls in a report
- Rotating controls in a report
- Displaying and Validating Data
- About displaying and validating data
- About display formats
- Working with display formats
- Defining display formats
- About edit styles
- Working with edit styles
- Defining edit styles
- Defining a code table
- About validation rules
- Working with validation rules
- Defining validation rules
- How to maintain extended attributes
- Filtering, Sorting, and Grouping Rows
- Highlighting Information in Reports and Forms
- Using Nested Reports
- About nested reports
- Creating a report using the Composite presentation style
- Placing a nested report in another report
- Working with nested reports
- Adjusting nested report width and height
- Changing a nested report from one report to another
- Modifying the definition of a nested report
- Adding another nested report to a composite report
- Supplying retrieval arguments to relate a nested report to its base report
- Specifying criteria to relate a nested report to its base report
- Using options for nested reports
- Exporting and Importing XML Data
- Working with Graphs
- Working with Crosstabs
- Working with TreeViews
- Working with Rich Text
- Using OLE in a Report
- Forms
- Defining Forms
- Controlling Updates in Forms
- Enhancing Forms
- About enhancing forms
- Working in the Form painter Layout view
- Reorganizing controls in the form
- Using the grid in the Form painter
- Deleting controls in the Form painter
- Moving controls in the Form painter
- Copying and pasting controls in the Form painter
- Resizing controls in the Form painter
- Aligning controls in the Form painter
- Equalizing the space between controls in the Form painter
- Equalizing the size of controls in the Form painter
- Undoing changes in the Form painter
- Sliding controls in a form
- Modifying general form properties
- Adding controls to the form
- Highlighting information in a form
- Displaying and validating data in a form
- Applications
- Working with Applications
- Deploying Your Application
- Reference
- Operators and Expressions
- DataWindow Expression and InfoMaker Functions
- Alphabetical list of DataWindow expression and InfoMaker functions
- Abs
- ACos
- Asc
- AscA
- ASin
- ATan
- Avg
- Bitmap
- Case
- Ceiling
- Char
- CharA
- Cos
- Count
- CrosstabAvg
- CrosstabAvgDec
- CrosstabCount
- CrosstabMax
- CrosstabMaxDec
- CrosstabMin
- CrosstabMinDec
- CrosstabSum
- CrosstabSumDec
- CumulativePercent
- CumulativeSum
- CurrentRow
- Date
- DateTime
- Day
- DayName
- DayNumber
- DaysAfter
- Dec
- Describe
- Exp
- Fact
- Fill
- FillA
- First
- GetRow
- GetText
- Hour
- If
- Int
- Integer
- IsDate
- IsExpanded
- IsNull
- IsNumber
- IsRowModified
- IsRowNew
- IsSelected
- IsTime
- Large
- Last
- LastPos
- Left
- LeftA
- LeftTrim
- Len
- LenA
- Log
- LogTen
- Long
- LookUpDisplay
- Lower
- Match
- Max
- Median
- Mid
- MidA
- Min
- Minute
- Mod
- Mode
- Month
- Now
- Number
- Page
- PageAbs
- PageAcross
- PageCount
- PageCountAcross
- Percent
- Pi
- Pos
- PosA
- ProfileInt
- ProfileString
- Rand
- Real
- RelativeDate
- RelativeTime
- Replace
- ReplaceA
- RichText
- RichTextFile
- Right
- RightA
- RightTrim
- Round
- RowCount
- RowHeight
- Second
- SecondsAfter
- Sign
- Sin
- Small
- Space
- Sqrt
- StDev
- StDevP
- String
- StripRTF
- Sum
- Tan
- Time
- Today
- Trim
- Truncate
- Upper
- Var
- VarP
- WordCap
- Year
- Appendixes